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No, the Philippines should not have been annexed by the United StatesAs many people like to point out, the Philippines were very much a country of their own. They had their own language, their own currency and their own culture and tradition, very much different than our own. The feeling towards American Imperialism during the time was fairly supportive of expansionism and a "we're better for you than you are for yourselves" attitude. That attitude was not held by the Filipino people. They were proud of their history and did not welcome American annexation which did ultimately prove to be a disadvantage to both nations.
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good for coaling stations for ships, great start for American exporters to get into great china market, and also good for naval values

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Q: Reasons the US should annex the Philippines?
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What does the term annexation mean and why did the US decide to annex the Philippines?

Annexation means dropping from a group of states or provinces

What arguments were made to annex the Philippines?

The arguments placed to annex the Philippines to the US were to bring civilization to the country and to have commercial and military bonds between the two countries. These arguments favored annexation.

What did the US annex because of its location en route to China?

The US annexed the Philippines because of its location en route to China. The US later freed the country in 1947.

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Why should they, the wimpy Canadian Government gives them everything the US wants anyway.

What did the US annex in 1989?

The US did not annex any territory in 1989.

What did US annex?

The United States has annexed various territories throughout history, including Texas, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

What problems did America have after the attemps to annex Puerto Rico Cuba Hawaii and the Philippines?

The US did not attempt to annex Cuba. Congress made an explicit statement that annexation was not part of US war aims. The native Hawaiian population attempted to revers the US annexation by appealing to the US courts, and were rejected. In the Philippines, the US faced armed resistance from fighters who felt betrayed by US annexation, when they thought they were allied with US forces in their efforts to expel Spain and establish a Philippine Republic. This lasted until about 1906.

Why did filipino nationalist leader Emilio turn against us rule in the Philippines?

aguinaldo was angered when the united states decided to keep control of the Philippines

What countries did the US annex in order to increase the military security of the US?

Leasing rights in Cuba (Guantanamo Bay), Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines. Hawaii was also annexed, but was a separate affair.

How did the American experience in the Philippines change?

At first, the Philippines loved the Americans... but after Congress wanted to annex them, they got really mad and started rebel. The US responded by seizing villages and towns. They killed hundreds of thousands of people.

What other territory did the US annex during the period of the Spanish American War?

Cuba was granted almost instant independence with US attached provisos and eventually the Philippines, although the latter didn't happen until after WW2.