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Consider that the involved parties (Wulliam Penn and King Charles II) may have had different motivations for the creation of Pennsylvania and that both got what they wanted. For Penn it may have been the idyllic desire to establish a sanctuary for oppressed European Quakers and even do it at a profit. For the King it increased the English presence in the New World at a time when the Netherlands and Sweden were both playing with colonialism in North America and ridded him of potentially fractious dissent on his home turf. It was a Win-Win situation for both parties. Penn got his refuge and the King got rid of the Dutch and the Swedes.

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It was established as a refuge for European Quakers but others also found it to be a sanctuary,

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Religious freedom that should be close enough...

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12y ago
  • beacuse it is a awsome colony
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Q: Reason for colonization of Pennsylvania
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