The first meeting of the Estates General was May 5th, 1789.
may 5 1951
Napoleon became a General Officer at the age of 24 in 1793.
The was not an ancient Roman word for date. The Romans were Latins and spoke Latin. The Latin did not have a word for date meaning a point of time. They used deis (day) and said on the day XXX. Basilnus was a date, acorn aor chestnut. It could refer to nuts in general. Caroete was a nut-shaped date.
General john philip abizaid us centcom married his second wife.............hedelisa dizon of marriage..............november 10.2011...................without doubt...........
"Quelle est la date de naissance" means "What is the date of birth" in French.
What is your date of birth?
1466 c'est la date de naissance de Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin (mort le 29 juin 1520).
You can ask "Quelle est ta date de naissance ?" to ask someone when their birthday is in French.
What is the date? is the translation for Quelle est la date.
date de naissance
date de naissance
la date de naissance
"jour de naissance" (properly spelled 'date de naissance' in French) means date of birth.
quelle est la date de ton anniversaire means 'what is your birthday'. You answer "mon anniversaire est le [date]"
What is the date of your.....?
"quelle est la date"