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que estados forman los emiratos arabes

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Q: Que paises forman parte de los emiratos Arabes?
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What peninsula is mesopotamia located on?

Mesopotamia (del griego: Μεσοποταμία, meso-potamía, 'entre ríos', traducción del antiguo persa Miyanrudan, 'la tierra entre ríos', o del arameo beth nahrin, 'entre dos ríos') es el nombre por el cual se conoce a la zona del Oriente Próximo ubicada entre los ríos Tigris y Éufrates, si bien se extiende a las zonas fértiles contiguas a la franja entre los dos ríos, y que coincide aproximadamente con las áreas no desérticas del actual Irak y la zona limítrofe del noreste de Siria.El término alude principalmente a esta zona en la Edad Antigua que se dividía en Asiria, al norte, y Babilonia al sur. Babilonia, a su vez, se dividía en Acadia (parte alta) y Sumeria (parte baja).1 Sus gobernantes eran llamados patesi.

What did the US Supreme Court decide in the Ex parte Endo case?

In Ex Parte Endo, 323 US 283 (1944), the US Supreme Court held there was no legitimate, legally sanctioned reason for holding loyal, law-abiding Japanese-American citizens in internment camps once the government determined they weren't threats to the nation's security. The Court declared their detention was not authorized under Executive Order 9066 nor subsequent legislation; the war-time orders were intended only to protect the country from espionage and sabotage, not to discriminate against an entire class of people based on their ethnic heritage.

What happend to the Maya civilization?

Bien lo que mi bisabuela de guetamala me dijo fue que nuestros antepasados fueron los mayas, fueron realmente corto personas que trincadas juntas de jefes y rompió delante de las narices que constantemente lo que hay algo que ellos realizado, que también estaban atados a perlas hay cabello a fin de hacer cruzar eyed, entonces una vez que eran mayores que quemaron todo el vello de la parte delantera del cuero cabelludo off.

What is destiny in mandarin?

In my opinion, as mandarin is the official language of China for the present and as China is one of the birthplace for the four great ancient civilizations , it is indeed imbued with a great cutural deposits----though this land didn't be called "China" at first until 221BC. , the cuture conceived on this land has been passed down since the ancient time and always along with the people here.So for the purpose of getting to know the rich culture ----either ancient or "somewhat form-changed" modern culture----as to widen one's horizon , it is worth while and somewhat necessary to learn mandarin. Thus mandarin will become more and more popular meanwhile as well as anyother language in the world as one of the result of man's constantly continuous spiritual civilization progress.And also for another important reason : You will not clearly know the true picture of one country unless you investigate it yourself , and only when you contact with the natives there , you could get a better understanding about the nation not just mislead by some ex parte surfaces.And visibly to learn mandarin is such a way to get a better understanding of China, thus the trend to learn the language will heat up and that just what its destiny is.The Chinese translations for the word 'destiny' can be as follows:天命 tian(1) ming(4) --> Heaven's will / destiny / pre-destined fate (typically used as subject noun)命运 ming(4) yun(4) --> fate / destiny

What nations did Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin bring independence to?

San Martin liberated:Argentina, Chile and Peru. the liberation of Peru is described by sources like Wikipedia as being "finished" by Simon Bolivar, but really he just had a battle in the North of Peru that basically kicked the Spaniards out of all of South America. Peru was already independent.Bolivar is credited withColumbia, Venezuela, Bolivia(was part of northern Peru he declared himself dictator of and named it after himself),New Gran(a small province), Panama, and Ecuador.Translation-TraducciónSan Martin liberado: La Argentina, Chile y Perú. la liberación de Perú es descrita por fuentes como Wikipedia como “siendo acabado” por Simon Bolivar, pero él acaba de tener realmente una batalla en el norte de Perú el cual golpeó básicamenteeso golpeó básicamente a los españoles con el pie de toda la Suramérica. Perú era ya independiente. Bolivar es acreditado con Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia (pequeña parte norteña de Perú él se declaró el dictador de y lo nombró después de sí mismo), nuevo Gran (una pequeña provincia), Panamá, y Ecuador.

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Los tres grandes países de América del Norte son Estados Unidos, Canadá y México. Juntos, estos países abarcan la mayor parte del territorio de América del Norte y tienen economías y poblaciones significativas.

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If they did then the hearing would not be "Ex Parte." For a legal definition of ex parte, see:

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"Parte dos" means "part two" in Spanish. It is used to refer to a second section or installment of something.

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