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A belligerent country is at war.

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Q: Prior to 1915 the US government restricted American investors from making loans to belligerent countries Belligerent means that a country?
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What countries took part in Persian Gulf War?

Primarily, the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. There were also 90 additional countries that contributed soldiers or funds to assist the Kuwait cause., And of course, Iraq was the other belligerent. Polish Elite Special Unit GROM

How many conuntries were involved in the Falkland war?

Great Britain and Argentina were the only belligerent countries. The US remained officially neutral but provided Great Britain with some technical support regarding their Sea Harriers. Also, the British Army included Gurkhas from Nepal.

What countries fought along side Germany?

The most prominent members of the Axis Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan, but there were also Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Vichy France, Siam, Burma, Manchukuo, Mengjiang, and the non-belligerent Spain and Portugal.

What were the Neutrality Acts of 1953?

The acts were laws passed in 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939 to limit U.S. involvement in future wars. The 1935 act banned munitions exports to belligerents(countries that were engaged in this case, specifically WW2) and restricted American travel on belligerent ships. The 1936 act banned loans to belligerents. The 1937 act extended these provisions to civil wars and gave the president discretionary authority to restrict nonmunitions sales to a "cash‐and‐carry" basis (belligerents had to pay in advance then export goods in their own ships).The 1939 act banned U.S. ships from carrying goods or passengers to belligerent ports but allowed the United States to sell munitions, although on a "cash‐and‐carry" basis. Congress repealed the Neutrality Acts on 13 November 1941. (i largely copied and pasted this answer from this site:

How did the Arabs view the recognition of Israel as a country?

Most Arabs and most Arab countries are opposed to the recognition of the State of Israel and have actively tried to persuade other countries to stop (or never begin) recognizing the State of Israel. They see recognizing Israel as legitimizing the existence of that country and most Arabs and Arab countries would immensely prefer that Israel is not in existence. Rather than make peace, have mutual recognition and increase trade in their countries, Arab leaders would rather harbor a belligerent attitude because it prevents their citizens from rising up against them.

Related questions

What is a homonym for belligerent?

There is no homonym or homophone (sound-alike word) for "belligerent."However, the plural noun belligerents (warring countries or factions) is pronounced the same as belligerence (a general state or attitude of hostility).Synonyms for belligerent are hostile, aggressive, contentious, pugnacious, ornery, or mean.

One of the purposes of the united nations is to occasionally take what against belligerent countries?


What is a another word for belligerent?

The word belligerent can have the synonyms hostile, angry, or aggressive. Others are ornery, quarrelsome, pugnacious, cantankerous, contentious, or bellicose. Referring to factions or countries, synonyms might be warring, warlike, militant, warmongering, hawkish, jingoistic, or martial. *The noun form does not imply aggression, only that two sides are fighting. So a belligerent would not be the same as an aggressor. Noun synonyms might be antagonist or combatant.

What countries took part in Persian Gulf War?

Primarily, the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. There were also 90 additional countries that contributed soldiers or funds to assist the Kuwait cause., And of course, Iraq was the other belligerent. Polish Elite Special Unit GROM

Why are world leaders afraid of Iran's nuclear program?

Iran's nuclear program is designed to facilitate (if not actually create) nuclear weapons. Additionally, the Iranian government is actively belligerent and continually declares both its enmity towards Israel and willingness to see that country destroyed. That combination makes other countries less interested in having a nuclear Iran.

How many conuntries were involved in the Falkland war?

Great Britain and Argentina were the only belligerent countries. The US remained officially neutral but provided Great Britain with some technical support regarding their Sea Harriers. Also, the British Army included Gurkhas from Nepal.

What was the two main battlefronts in World War 2?

The two main belligerent countries were Germany and Japan. For Germany the main battle front was the Eastern Front fighting Russia from 1941 to 1945. For Japan the main battle front was the Pacific Islands fighting against the US from 1941 to 1945.

What were the neutrality act?

The acts were laws passed in 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939 to limit U.S. involvement in future wars. The 1935 act banned munitions exports to belligerents(countries that were engaged in this case, specifically WW2) and restricted American travel on belligerent ships. The 1936 act banned loans to belligerents. The 1937 act extended these provisions to civil wars and gave the president discretionary authority to restrict nonmunitions sales to a "cash‐and‐carry" basis (belligerents had to pay in advance then export goods in their own ships).The 1939 act banned U.S. ships from carrying goods or passengers to belligerent ports but allowed the United States to sell munitions, although on a "cash‐and‐carry" basis. Congress repealed the Neutrality Acts on 13 November 1941. (i largely copied and pasted this answer from this site:

What countries fought along side Germany?

The most prominent members of the Axis Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan, but there were also Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Vichy France, Siam, Burma, Manchukuo, Mengjiang, and the non-belligerent Spain and Portugal.

What countries are on the restricted currency list?

There are many countries that have restricted currency such as Seychelles, India, Belize, Angola and Sri Lanka. Restricted currencies only allow a limited amount of money that can be brought in or taken out of a country.

How do Arab nations regard the U.S. military presence?

Generally, Arab countries and their citizens argue that the United States is a militant imperialist power and view the US military presence as an occupying, belligerent authority. Secretly, the governments of the Arab countries are thankful for the US military presence because it serves as a deterent to Iran as well as the fact that the US military was the dominant force in the liberation of Kuwait in 1991. However, since saying this out-loud would be deeply unpopular, the leaders of Arab countries do not often mention this.

What is a word meaning intense national pride?

The intense pride and devotion to ones country is known as nationalism. If you're asking what extreme devotion to one's country with a belligerent foreign attitude (impose your will on other countries militarily) than jingoism is a good word. Answer "Patriotism" would be another, somewhat more positive word - "nationalism" tends to have negative connotations, as of course does "jingoism."