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Martin Van Buren President from 1837-1841 Martin Van Buren President from 1837-1841

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Q: President who sent the first expedition to explore Antarctica?
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How many years did Byrd explore Antarctica?

Admiral Richard Byrd explored Antarctica for over 30 years, from his first expedition in 1928 to his final expedition in 1956.

Name the plane's name which was used by US government on its first Ariel expedition of antarctica?

Fockker trimotor was the first plane used by U.S government to explore antarctica

When was the first time Roald Amundsen went to Antarctica?

Amundsen's first expedition to Antarctica took place in 1897 when he joined the Belgian Antarctic Expedition as First Mate. This was the first expedition to over-winter in Antarctica.

What was sir Douglas mawson's first expedition?

His first expedition to Antarctica was with Ernest Shackletons Nimrod Expedition of 1907.

Who were the members of the first expedition of Captain Scott?

The members of the first expedition of Captain Scott to Antarctica, known as the Discovery Expedition (1901-1904), included Ernest Shackleton, Edward Wilson, and T.W. Edwardes, among others. The expedition aimed to explore and conduct scientific research in the Antarctic region.

What territory did President Thomas Jefferson ask Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore?

the Lewis and Clark expedition was the first overland expedition undertaken by the united state to the pacific coast and back

Why did Fabian Gottlieb Von Bellingshausen go to antarctica?

Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen led the first Russian expedition to Antarctica in 1819-1821 to explore and map the region. The primary objectives were to gather scientific data, expand Russian geographical knowledge, and search for new lands. The expedition also aimed to study the natural history and climate of Antarctica.

How did Hernando Cortes become an explore?

He became an explore by his eager, conquests, and that is how he lead himself to his first expedition.

What was Douglas Mawson looking for?

Sir Douglas Mawson first journeyed to Antarctica in 1907 with Sir Earnest Shackleton on Shackelton's Nimrod Expedition, on which Mawson served as expedition geologist.With his geological experience, having discovered and named the mineral Davidite, apparently, he wanted to investigate and explore the land under the polar ice cap that covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent.Mawson, an Australian, mounted his own expedition to Antarctica in 1911, to explore the coast of Antarctica closest to Australia.His book, Home of The Blizzard, is one of the most excellent, first-person polar exploration books.Understandably, during the remainder of his life, his ventures to Antarctica were by boat; he resisted setting foot on the icy continent again.You can read more by following the link, below.

Where did Robert Falcon Scott start from for his first expedition?

Captain Scott sailed the Discovery from England to Antarctica in 1901 for his first Antarctic expedition.

Who was the first person to live on Antarctica?

No one lives in Antarctica. There were early explorers, however, who sailed there and established camps. The first expedition, the Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897-99, however, camped at the edge of the continent in their ship and could arguably be considered the first peoples to 'live' in Antarctica.

Is George Washington the first president of Antarctica?
