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Q: President Roosevelt dies- -Potsdam Conference - second atomic bomb dropped?
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What were Josef Stalin's views on the bombing of Hiroshima?

He was truly shocked and concerned, thus weakening his negotiating position at the Potsdam Conference, which is where he, and the other Big Four leaders were when it was dropped.

Who was president when US dropped the bomb on japan?

President Theodore Roosevelt Harry S. Truman, the "buck stops here" president.

What president approved the atomic bombs dropped on japan during World War 2?

President Truman, as Roosevelt died before the war ended

What President dropped snowballs from the roof of the White House with his son onto folks leaving after an evening of partying?

Theodore Roosevelt.

Who was Us president through most of world war 2?

Roosevelt & then Truman just before bombs dropped Japan.

Did Roosevelt die before the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan?

No he did not Oh yes he did ! The fact was that Truman was President, because Roosevelt had died earlier in the year, April I believe, of 1945.

Who is the leader of the us in world war 2?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and later Harry Truman (who was the president when the atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.)

What president during would war 2 when a bomb was dropped on Japan?

Japan was bombed with conventional bombs during much of WW II under President Franklin Roosevelt. However, he died prior to the ATOMIC bombing of Japan, and Harry S Truman was President at that time.

What city did Roosevelt drop a nuke on?

Neither president Roosevelt ordered atomic bombs dropped on anyplace.Teddy Roosevelt died in January 1919 and never heard anything about nuclear weapons.Franklin Roosevelt died in April 1945, he was replaced by Harry Truman who authorized the use of the atomic bombs but did not select the targets they would be use on (he left that decision up to the Army).

Who was the president of the US who dropped the a-bombs?

President Truman.

What country dropped nuclear bombs to japan?

roosevelt high school

Was it the Allies that dropped the atom on hiroshima?

It was dropped over on President Truman orders.