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The organization was formed to assist Asian countries to defend against communist take-over.

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Q: President Eisenhower supported the establishment of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization as an attempt to?
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Why did President Eisenhower support the Southeast Asia treaty organization?

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What was the southeast Asia treaty organization (SEATO?

What was the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

What was Southeast Asia treaty organization (seato)?

What was the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

When was Southeast Asia Treaty Organization created?

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization was created in 1954.

When did Southeast Asia Treaty Organization end?

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization ended in 1977.

What was the goal of the southeast Asia organization?

The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization was primarily created to block further communist gains in Southeast Asia.

What was SEATO?

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and is used to prevent communism from gaining ground.

According to the domino theory why did president Dwight d Eisenhower continue Harry Truman's support for the French in Vietnam?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower continued Harry Truman's support for the French in Vietnam because he believed in the domino theory. The domino theory suggested that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would also follow. To prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, Eisenhower believed it was necessary to support the French in their fight against the communist-led Viet Minh.

What was the Southeast Asia Organization?


Why did president Eisenhower support the SEATO establishment?

SATO was formed as a counter to rising communist influence in Southeast Asia. The Strait of Malacca, between Indonesia and Malaysia, is one of the United States' most important trade routes for international commerce. If the Strait fell under communist rule, commerce for the US, Australia, Japan, and the Philipines would be threatened. This formed the basis for Eisenhower's formation of SATO.