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===trying to find out about national city bank polish war bonds

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Q: Poland War Bonds issued by National City Bank of New York?
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What is a republic of Poland twenty year six percent us dollar gold bond issued 1920 worth?

Apparently nothing. I acquired some bonds at an auction in 1963 and sent the coupons to the First National City Bank in NYC for redemption and received a letter back, with a check for $1.07) saying the funds to pay the balance of the bonds was exhausted, etc. I would like to know if they have any value as a collector item. Has anyone found out if these bonds are worth anything to a collector? I, also, have some Republic of Poland twenty six percent us dollar gold bonds issued in 1920.

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The National Banking Act created a market for government bonds and a National Bank currency that eventually replaced state bank notes.?


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What is the value of a 1929 type 1 10 dollar National Bank Note issued by The Howard National Bank of Kokomo IN?

Most 1929 National Bank Notes are moderately valuable, but the number of factors affecting prices make an online estimate very difficult. While this site ordinarily tries to provide reasonable estimates, people who work with National Bank Notes recommend that bills be evaluated in person by an expert dealer or appraiser.Info: What is a National Bank Note?The brown seal and the banner across the bill's top front mean that it's a special type of paper money called National Currency. These now-unusual bills were backed by bonds deposited with the Treasury by the issuing bank.Series 1929 National Currency was printed in two forms:* Bills issued as National Bank Notes have the words "National Bank" and the name of the issuing bank to the left of the portrait. In addition, the issuing bank's ID number is printed in heavy black type on the left and right edges of the bill.* Bills issued as Federal Reserve Notes have the words "Federal Reserve Bank" and the name of the district city to the left of the portrait.Bond-backed currency was discontinued during the Great Depression as part of the government's efforts to stabilize the economy. 1929 was the last series date for National Currency Notes, although these bills continued to be printed for a few more years.

What is the value of a 1929 US 50 dollar bill from the First National Bank of Southern Marlboro MD?

Most 1929 National Bank Notes are moderately valuable, but the number of factors affecting prices make an online estimate very difficult. While this site ordinarily tries to provide reasonable estimates, people who work with National Bank Notes recommend that bills be evaluated in person by an expert dealer or appraiser.Info: What is a National Bank Note?The brown seal and the banner across the bill's top front mean that it's a special type of paper money called National Currency. These now-unusual bills were backed by bonds deposited with the Treasury by the issuing bank.Series 1929 National Currency was printed in two forms:* Bills issued as National Bank Notes have the words "National Bank" and the name of the issuing bank to the left of the portrait. In addition, the issuing bank's ID number is printed in heavy black type on the left and right edges of the bill.* Bills issued as Federal Reserve Notes have the words "Federal Reserve Bank" and the name of the district city to the left of the portrait.

What is the value of a 1929 US 50 dollar bill from the First Wayne National Bank of Detroit MI?

Most 1929 National Bank Notes are moderately valuable, but the number of factors affecting prices make an online estimate very difficult. While this site ordinarily tries to provide reasonable estimates, people who work with National Bank Notes recommend that bills be evaluated in person by an expert dealer or appraiser.Info: What is a National Bank Note?The brown seal and the banner across the bill's top front mean that it's a special type of paper money called National Currency. These now-unusual bills were backed by bonds deposited with the Treasury by the issuing bank.Series 1929 National Currency was printed in two forms:* Bills issued as National Bank Notes have the words "National Bank" and the name of the issuing bank to the left of the portrait. In addition, the issuing bank's ID number is printed in heavy black type on the left and right edges of the bill.* Bills issued as Federal Reserve Notes have the words "Federal Reserve Bank" and the name of the district city to the left of the portrait.