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Plato wanted to banish poets from Greece because he believed that poets had no intellectual utility, rather they played with the audeince's lower part of the mind which dealt with emotions. Plato believed that emotions had a negative effect on the men of Greece. This is a very elementary answer. Plato's 'Republic' has a chapter dedicated to this question.

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Q: Plato wanted to banish poets from ancient Greece because he thought they would?
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No, the word 'banish' is not a noun; the word banish is a verb: banish, banishes, banishing, banished.The noun forms for the verb to banish are banisher, banishment, and the gerund, banishing.

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"Banish" is a verb.

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Banish is a verb - to expel from a place

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No, the word banish is not an adverb.This word is a verb.

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Would you please make a sentence for the word 'banish'?

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