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Important ideas may begin in the midst of a big problem that needs sorted. These ideas then spread out with help from others who are willing to put the plan into action.

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Q: Place where important ideas begin and from which they spread out?
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What is A place in which important ideas begin and spread to surrounding areas?

A hub or a center is a place where important ideas originate and disseminate to surrounding areas.

What is curtural?

The spread of ideas from 1 place to another

What is curtural diffusion?

The spread of ideas from 1 place to another

The spread of a culture from one place to another?

When a people are conquered, but not wiped out, their ideas may spread to the conquerors -- actually, ideas can spread either way. When people trade with each other, ideas may spread. Anytime there is communication, ideas may spread. Building a large wall and keeping anyone from cross it -- that is not a good way for ideas to spread.

Why do many historians regard the printing press as the most important invention of the past millennium?

It lead to ideas being spread

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Contributing to the faster spread of ideas.

Why was it important for Hitler to get control of schools to spread the Nazis' ideas?

easier to do it there than in a retirement home.

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Travel and marriage spread renaissance ideas, By when you married you would spread ideas to you kids and spouse, and when you travel you spread it where you go

Who are the people who spread religious ideas?

People who spread religious ideas are called missionaries.

How did Martin Luther's ideas spread so quickly?

He was a teacher in a place where Monks studied and his ideas about the Church were converted during that stay, he preached what he knew

What job helped spread new ideas to other civilizations in the New stone age?

People who fought wars spread new ideas to other civilization. And also the nomadic people who used to move from one place to another.

Why was it important for Hitler to get control of the schools to spread the Nazi's ideas?

no one better to receive propaganda than a child