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pictures of calculating devices with their inventors

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Q: Pictures of early computing devices and its inventor?
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Many early civilizations had computing devices. They were not anything like what is classed as a computer in modern times, but there were devices used for different types of computation throughout history. One example of this in the Aztec civilization is the "Sun Stone" It was discovered in 1790 and was used for astrological calculations.

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You can find pictures of early man's weapons at the library. You can also do an online search on the internet and print out pictures if you need to.

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What is the abacus computer?

Yes, it was an early mechanical computer. It is regarded as the first computer, made over 5000 years ago. An abacus is not like a modern computer. People think of a computer as an electronic, programmable device that can store, retrieve, and process data. There were many computing devices prior to the electronic computer that had processing capabilities. They were mechanical devices and are computers. There are many different kinds of computing devices and an abacus is one of them.

What famous American inventor began losing his hearing in early adolescence?

Thomas Edison