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failing to assist tenant farmers and sharecroppers

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Q: Perhaps the most serious weakness of the Agricultural Adjustment Act was?
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How do use the word weakness in a sentence?

Habitual lying is a serious weakness in a person's character.

Is alcoholism a illness or a weakness?

weakness to a certain degree. if it is a serious condition, it then becomes a illness.

What is the most serious weakness of DMD?

weakness of the diaphragm, the sheet of muscles at the top of the abdomen that perform the main work of breathing and coughing. Diaphragm weakness leads to reduced energy and stamina, and increased lung infection

To think about something in a serious way?

Perhaps ponder is the word you are looking for.

Is a country that suffers from institutional weakness es serious enough to threaten the stability of it's central government?

Fragile State

What is the most serious consequence of hyperkalemia?

I think the most serious consequence is cardiac arrest which leads directly to death. Other less lethal consequences include renal failure and muscle weakness.

Can being overweight cause bladder issues?

Yes, being overweight can create some serious bladder weakness. If you are overweight it puts an extra pressure on abdominal and pelvic muscles. Over exposure to such pressure can lead to bladder weakness.

How do you fix an Achilles heel?

When someone says "That is your Achilles' heel." They mean it is your weakness. I would identify your weakness then practice on making it less of a weakness. Remember though, everyone has an Achilles' Heel.

The most serious weakness of the Articles of Confederation was brought about by the authors?

fear of concentration of power in national government... :)

What are the side effects of total cleanse?

There are both serious, and less serious side effects of the Total Cleanse. Stomach cramps, sluggishness, and headaches are some of the less severe. Some of the severe effects are heart stopping, muscle weakness, and kidney damage.

Does schizophrenia involve general weakness and blacking out or loss of consciousness?

Schizophrenia itself does not involve those symptoms, but the medications associated with schizophrenia can cause weakness and loss of consciousness. Please see your doctor immediately if you lose consciousness without any evident non-serious cause.

Why apple trees don't bear fruit after transplanting?

Transplanting is a serious adjustment for a tree so it may take a couple of years to settle down to it's normal cycles.