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b. heretics

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Q: People who spoke out against Rome and the Church risked being branded as?
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Is risked an adverb?

No, "risked" is not at adverb.The word "risked" is a verb and a noun.

How many people risked their lives?

heaps of people everyone risks their lives everyday

Was nonconformist preaching against the law in 1660?

Yes, nonconformist preaching was against the law in 1660. The Clarendon Code of 1661-1665 imposed restrictions on religious practices outside the Church of England, leading to the persecution of nonconformists. Nonconformists risked fines, imprisonment, or even death for preaching or practicing their beliefs.

What do you call someone who risked their life for others?

Many great people risked their lives for their beliefs. Such as mahatma gandhi, subhash chandra bose etc.

Why do the people who risked their life for the Jews deny it?

because they are God poeple

What is past tense of 'risked'?

'Risked' is the past tense!

Why was heresy in the middle ages such a major crime?

The church was the main power in Europe during the middle ages so anything that might contradict them risked them losing their immense power, also the people were very superstitious and seriously believed it to be a major crime.

What risks did Germans take when they stood up against Hitler?

It depended on what they did, but often they risked being sent to a concentration camp.

What month did people leave for the Oregon Trail?

It took from four to six months. If you started too early, you risked floods and mud. If you started too late, you risked snow storms,

Who are the people that risked their life to be free?

In America those people where soldiers from the 13 colonies they consisted of merchants, and other ordinary people

How did they get there food in secret annex?

People risked their lives to get food to them. If they got caught, the people in the annex would just have to starve.

Is Elijah in the Bible a hero?

He was a hero in the sense that he risked his life to rebuke King Ach'av (Ahab) and to stand against the "prophets" of the baal (idolaters).