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The story called Paul's Case dresses Paul in tattered clothing. His tattered clothes are a symbol of poor economic circumstances.

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d. economic circumstances

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Q: Paul's tattered clothes are a symbol of?
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Paul's tattered clothes are a symbol of his?

struggle and hardship in life, showcasing his poverty and lack of resources. They can also represent resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.

In Willa Cather's short story Paul's Case what are Paul's tattered clothes a symbol of?

Paul's tattered clothes in "Paul's Case" symbolize his desire for escape and for a life of luxury and sophistication that he believes he is destined for. They represent his dissatisfaction with his mundane surroundings and his longing for a more glamorous existence.

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orphans usually wear old tattered clothes

Paul's tattered clothes are symbols of his?

vehement disregard for the staus quo.

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What is a good sentence for the word tattered?

A tattered flag, An old tattered man

What does Cassie look like?

She has dark black shoulder lenght hair. Shes black. And the clothes she wears are tattered or worn down.

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She has dark black shoulder lenght hair. Shes black. And the clothes she wears are tattered or worn down.

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she wheres all sorts of clothes she got a few jackets and bags x

Is tattered a participle?

Yes, "tattered" can function as a participle in a sentence. It is the past participle form of the verb "tatter" and can be used to describe something that is torn or ragged. For example, "the tattered flag fluttered in the wind."

Lord of the Flies what are indications that time has passed on the island?

It is mentioned anumber of times that the boys hair has grown and that their clothes have become dirtier and more tattered.