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They commissioned works by the artists.

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Q: Patrons like the Medicis also contributed greatly to advancements in art during the Renaissance period What did they do to encourage Renaissance art?
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Write a short essay outlining how the patronage of wealthy people like the Medicis contributed to the development of art during the Renaissance?

Don't expect this site to write an essay for you to plagiarise, it's against the rules.

How did the Medici family contributed to secularism during the renaissance?

The Medicis used their great wealth to support artists who created works that focused less on God and more on the achievements of individual people.

What was one of the ways that economic changes affected eurpoe durning the middle ages?

The rise of mercantilism was very important in the Late Middle Ages, and in many ways paved the way for the Renaissance. The Italian bankers, such as the Medicis, and the Northern European merchants who banded into the Hanseatic League, rivaled countries in power and authority. The Hanseatic League even had its own navy and separate treaties. This lead to the decline of the authority of the nobility, and to the decline in the authority of the Church, as it gave rise to a new and powerful middle class.

What were the different social classes during the Italian renaissance?

The enclosure movement. Tenant farmers were forced to leave the land, move to the cities and work in factories. New trades developed, people became entrepreneurs, and the middle class was born.

The patronage of the Medici family allowed Renaissance artists to?

display their wealth and splendor

Related questions

What powerful family was associated with the beginning of the renaissance?

the medicis

Write a short essay outlining how the patronage of wealthy people like the Medicis contributed to the development of art during the Renaissance?

Don't expect this site to write an essay for you to plagiarise, it's against the rules.

How did the Medici family contributed to secularism during the renaissance?

The Medicis used their great wealth to support artists who created works that focused less on God and more on the achievements of individual people.

When was Medicis Pharmaceutical created?

Medicis Pharmaceutical was created in 1988.

Who were the Medicis and why were they important?

They were a very powerful family of aristocrats and popes. They were patrons of amazing Renaissance artists, and they also ruled Florence for longer than 100 years.

Who were the medicis and what was their affect on the Renaissance?

The Medicis were members of a rich Florentine family who were patrons of the Arts. In those days, an artist made his living by getting commissions from the rich. These were basically orders for art work. The Medicis commissioned art for their personal chapel, for churches they frequented, for the city of Florence which they virtually controlled for some time, etc. Since some of the greatest artists of the Renaissance lived and worked in Florence, much of the art they commissioned are masterpieces. Michelangelo and Raphael are among those who benefitted from the Medicis love of Art.They also got themselves embroiled in city politics and even had a member or two of the family killed by political rivals. A Medici became Pope and another married the King of France.

What pharmaceutical company produces Dysport?

In the UK it is Ipsen, in the US Medicis Medicis has also just been bought be Valeant.

Did Catherine de Medicis support the Catholic or Protestant view?

Catherine de Medicis most definitely supported the Catholic Church against the heretics.

What group ran the Italy during the time of the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, Italy consisted of a large number of small states, usually city state, with all sorts of governments, so by the Church, some by nobility, and some run by republican governments. Wealthy merchant and banking families such as the Medicis were particularly powerful.

Why did the Medicis pay for Christian art?

The Medicis were Christian. They felt that by patronizing Christian art it would help them gain favor with the powerful papacy as well as put them in God's good graces.

What was the political situation during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, Italy was a collection of city-states that were constantly vying for power and influence. The period was marked by shifting alliances, power struggles, and competition, both within and between the city-states. The political landscape was characterized by patronage of the arts and culture by powerful families, such as the Medicis in Florence.

What does not accurately describe the Medicis?

They thought a monarchy was the best form of government