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Bosporus and the Dardanelles

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Q: Ottoman expansion in the early fourteenth century led to their control over which area first?
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Ottoman expansion in the early fourteen century eventually led their control over what?


Why did the British participate in the Crimean War.?

They did not want the Russians to control the Black Sea. To prevent Russian expansion into the crumbling Ottoman Empire See the link below

What reasons led the expansion of the ottoman empire?

There was no justification for the expansion of the Ottoman Empire because in the 13th to 17th centuries, a nation did not have to justify to outsiders why it was expanding. If a nation, such as the Ottoman Empire, was powerful, it would expand into new regions and improve its internal economy and infrastructure. There is similarly no justification for the expansion of the Hungarian Empire, Polish Empire, or Russian Empire.

Was the Ottoman Empire in Czechoslovakia?

Some of the southern parts of Slovakia were part of the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent under Suleiman I, al-Qanuni. However, control over this area was exerted for less than one century.

Who had control of the Ottoman Empire?

AnswerThe Turks were the rulers of the Ottoman Empire.

Why were british and allies so keen to break Ottoman Empire?

They wanted control of the Ottoman Territories.

The Ottoman Empire emerged in what is now turkey after which of these groups lost control of the area?

The Ottoman Empire emerged in what is now Turkey after which of these groups lost control of the area?

Did the Ottoman Empire ever control Cyprus?

Yes, the Ottoman Empire, at one point, controlled Cyprus.

What holy cities did the Ottoman Empire once control?

The Ottoman Empire once controlled Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.

Why did the Austrian Russian Ottoman Empires face such great challenges to their control of land?

Because, of the mixture of ethnic groups in the land. Control of land and ethnic groups moved back and forth between these empires.

What impacts did the Sykes-Picot Agreement have on the Middle East in the 12th century?

It divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control or influence.

What area of Europe was controlled by Muslims?

There are numerous areas of Europe that have been under control of Muslims. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and the Balkan Peninsula are all sights of previous Muslim conquest. The Iberian Peninsula was conquered by the Umayyad Caliphate in the 8th century, Sicily was conquered by Muslims in the 9th century, and the Balkans came under Muslim control by the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries. Today, the Muslim majority countries of Europe include Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kosovo, and Albania.