Chelsea Clinton
When they are mad at each other and are not agreeing on something
they all got mad at each other then they fought each other... then they died
If she says she's mad, she's mad. If she says she's NOT mad, she's mad. If she has thrown anything at you lately, she's mad. If you did something stupid, she's mad. If she's not talking to you, she's probably mad and wants you to apologize to her.
It depends on what you mean by "mad"; in American English mad often means "angry", but in British English it means "crazy".The general Blackfoot term for a bear (species not specified) is kiaayo and the word for he/she/it became crazy would be otsitowatsaps.So: kiaayo otsitowatsaps = the bear became crazy.
Mad,pissed off,furious, infuriated...
mental, crazy, loco
irate enraged
Wazimu is the Kikuyu word for the English word mad.
Another word to be mad with , could be Mad with.
If you mean the American word "mad", it's zo'em (זועם) If you mean the British word "mad", it's meshuga (משוגע)
The homophone is the same word -- mad. The word mad has two meanings: mad = crazy mad = angry
The Telugu meaning of the word "MAD" is "పగ".
Another word for mad is angry. or else it may be Furious - which is very mad
Found out. It's called Mad Gab.