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Both resulted in an increase of westward migration.

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Q: One way in which the Gold Rush in 1849 and the Dust Bowl of the 1930s are similar is that both resulted in?
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What decade was the dust-bowl in?


Weather in the 1930s?

Dust bowl

What caused dust pneumonia during the 1930s?

The dust bowl drought of the 1930s was a natural disaster which resulted in some three million people walking off their farms in the Great Plains. The ploughing of the natural vegetation of the grasslands, and the planting of wheat which could not survive the drought, resulted in the exposure of tonnes of bare earth, which in turn gave rise to continuous dust storms.

What is name given to the major environment crisis of the 1930s?

The major environmental crisis of the 1930s in the US was the Dust Bowl, an extended drought in the US southwest that resulted in substantial wind erosion of farm land and in severe dust storms, some of which reached as far as the US east coast.

What caused soil erosion on the Great Plains in the 1930s?

A combination of drought, improper farming practices such as overgrazing and continuous plowing, and strong winds led to soil erosion on the Great Plains in the 1930s. This phenomenon, known as the Dust Bowl, resulted in the displacement of many farmers and ecological devastation.

In the 1930s the dust bowl was called this?

The dirty thirties

What was the nickname of Oklahoma during the 1930s?

Dust Bowl

What was the major environmental crisis of the 1930s?

Dust Bowl

What human activity contributed to the dust storms in the great plains in the 1930s?

Overfarming and poor land management practices such as extensive plowing and failure to rotate crops led to the topsoil becoming vulnerable to erosion in the Great Plains in the 1930s. This resulted in severe dust storms known as the Dust Bowl.

How did deflation affect the dust bowl in the 1930s?

Lowering the land.

Deflation affected the Dust Bowl in the 1930s by .?

Lowering the land.

Which of the dust bowl states lost population in the 1930s?
