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Q: One of the significant factors that led France to offer Louisiana to the US?
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WHEN did France offer all of Louisiana to the US?

In 1803, the U.S. took control of Louisiana.

Why did France first reject the American offer to buy new Orleans?

Napoleon Bonaparte, the leader of france, rejected the americans' offer to buy New Orleans because he had to send french colonists into the Louisiana Territory to establish French settlements.

What two factors influenced Napoleon's decision to offer the Louisiana Purchase?

He needed money to pay for wars. It Doubled the size of the United States

What were the circumstances under which the Louisiana Territory was purchased?

The circumstances under which the Louisiana Territory was purchased was that Thomas Jefferson attempted to avoid war with France over the port of New Orleans by offering to buy New Orleans from France. France responded by asking if the United States wanted to buy all of the Louisiana Territory.

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What did Livington and Monroe buy from Napoleon?

the port of new oleans

What did the US offer to buy and what was the offer price of the Louisiana?

$15 million for both questions

What is the Loisiana Purchase?

The Louisiana Purchase took place in 1803. The USA under Thomas Jefferson purchased the territory of Louisiana from France for $15 million (2009 equivalent - $219 million). The territory in question was huge - 2,147,000 km squared. It doubled the size of the United States at the time. It covered all or part of 14 modern US states and 2 Canadian provinces and represents 23% of the territory of the US today.

Who offers car insurance in Louisiana?

There are several companies that offer insurance in Louisiana. I would suggest trying

What year did Napoleon offer to sell the territory of Louisiana?


When did Napoleon offer to sell the territory of Louisiana to the US?

In 1803.

Who sold to the United States the territory called the Louisiana Purchase?

The question seems to relate to Napoleon's offer to sell to the United States, the vast amount of land France claimed to own in North America. With that said, Napoleon needed funds to aid his war efforts in Europe. The Louisiana Purchase provided him with funds and increased the size of territory of the United States.