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Q: One effect of the worldwide demand for southern cotton was that it made southern platers want to end slaverr?
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What Is Cotton Boom?

A time when cotton is in big demand. This happened in the Southern states after the invention of the cotton-gin, when they were able to supply the huge worldwide demand for cotton, and that region very quickly turned into a cotton empire.

How much money did The Cotton Club gross worldwide?

The Cotton Club grossed $25,928,721 worldwide.

The Southern Economy Rested On What?

the southern economy's counted on Cotton and Slaves . just Cotton and Slaves

The invention that transformed the southern cotton economy was?

c. the cotton gin Slavery was an invention too. It also transformed the southern cotton industry

What are some reasons for the cotton boom?

Cotton was a prized crop in the American colonies and later in the United States. There was a worldwide demand for this crop and it was used to make all types of clothing. The US Southern climate was ideal for growing cotton and much of it was purchased by the Northern industrial US States and in England. The demand seemed to have no limits. When the cotton gin was invented in allowed for an easier way to remove seeds from cotton. More cotton was produced and sold worldwide as its demand seemed never to cease. With that said, cotton became a boom crop because of the demand of it in textile mills in the US and in Europe.

What did the southern depend on?


Where was cotton domesticated?

Cotton grows in all sub-tropical climates, worldwide.

What was the major export of the southern states?

Cotton. Befor the Civil War, the Southern States were the world's biggest cotton exporters.

What was the principal cash crop of the southern states?

Cotton it is not cotton cool

What impact did cotton have on the history of America?

Cotton plantations in the Southern States brought wealth and prosperity to America. Great Britain was one of the biggest customers for Southern cotton.

What are facts about the cotton boom?

During the antebellum period in the Southern cotton growing States, the demand for cotton, both in the textile mills in the North and the demand in Great Britain for their textile mills was large. Cotton brought allot of wealth to Southern plantain owners. The owners of cotton plantations benefited from: * The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney; * The cotton gin was a machine that removed seeds from the cotton that was ready to harvested. Prior to that, slaves had to clean the seeds away by hand. The cotton gin saved time and labor; * Southern plantation owners used slave labor which in that period of time was allot cheaper than hiring workers; and * The wealth brought to the South and to the North as well, brought forth the slogan "King Cotton".

What were the resources for the southern colonies?
