England's first international was in 1872, so no official records would stand of such a team.
Air Assault Badge was created in 1974.
That's a tricky one. "Est" as in the verb "is" (Il est, elle est, etc.) is pronounced somewhere about halfway in between "eh" and "ay." However, the noun "l'Est" (the East) is pronounced "est."
answer the question in the same yhat you would answer "is it that..." in English. "Est-ce que" is not a complete question but calls for the object of the question. Est-ce que tu as garé la voiture ? is "did you park the car?" Est-ce que la voiture est garée ? is "is the car parked?" Est-ce que la voiture est bleue, ou est-ce qu'elle est rouge ? is "Is the car blue, or is it red?
The rampant lion on the badge is from the royal arms of Scotland.
the answer is "rosette
If the U.S., you can contact the U.S. Soccer Federation for a replacement.
Mia hamm
Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Combat infantry badge
Estimate or estimation!
I assume you meant the player position which AM will stand for attacking midfielder.
The Netherlands badge is a lion.
Eastern Standard Time.
Eastern Standard Time.
In the UK - industrial estate.
The "Stand United against Cyberbullies" badge is part of the WIT Program. There is a thread on the Community forum outlining how you can get your badge. It involves filling out a form to join the initiative.(See the Related link below.)