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Q: On May of 1864 General Grant ordered General Sherman to march his army out of Chattanooga into?
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In may of 1864 general grant ordered general sherman to march his army out of chattanooga into-?

In may of 1864 general grant ordered general sherman to march his army out of chattanooga into Georgia.

In May of 1864 General Grant ordered General Sherman to march his army out of Chattanooga into .?


What was the significant out come of the battle of Chattanooga with grant and sherman?

It was end of the war in Tennessee, and it confirmed Grant's eligibility as future General-in-Chief.

Who were the generals in the battle of Chattanooga?

They were General Braxton Bragg, Major General William Rosecrans, Major General Ulysses S. Grant, Major General George Thomas, and Major General William T. Sherman.

Union Generals in harge in the battle of Chattanooga?

Union - Grant, Sherman, Thomas Confederate - Bragg

Who saved the union army at Chattanooga?

General Ulysses S. Grant saved the Union army at Chattanooga. General Grant immediately released General William S. Rosecrans from his duties upon arrival at Chattanooga and replaced him with General George H. Thomas.

Who was General Grant's successor?


Union general at Chattanooga?

Rosecrans, later joined by Grant

What caused General Sherman to advise US Grant to refrain from taking control of the Army of the Potomac?

General William T. Sherman urged the new lieutenant general, US Grant to avoid going to Washington DC and to command troops in Virginia. Sherman was concerned about the political situation in the Union's capital, and how that could influence Grant's military plans.Sherman believed that Grant could command the Union armies from the West, where Sherman believed was the key to victory. From Grant's comfort zone in the West he would be able to successfully march into Charleston and Richmond as well. Most importantly was the political advice he gave to Grant. He reminded Grant that as general in chief, that as far as he was concerned, Grant was the true legitimate successor of George Washington. Any defeats that Grant might suffer would cast doubt on Grant's abilities. Sherman believed that Grant had to preserve his prestige and let him strike from the West Chattanooga.

Which general believed in the policy of total war?

Grant ordered Sheridan to destroy the farms in the Shenandoah. Then Sherman settled on a campaign of destruction across Georgia and South Carolina, to starve the Confederates into surrender. This strategy had the effect of ending the war quicker than assaulting the armies.

WHo was ordered by Lincoln to lead the union army east?

After the liberation of the Mississippi, Grant was ordered East, to rescue the Army of the Cumberland from starvation at Chattanooga.

Why did US General Sherman believe that General US Grant was a victim of public opinion at Vicksburg?

General Sherman wrote about his reasons of concern for his friend US Grant at the Siege of Vicksburg. Sherman believed that Grant was working and hampered by Northern public opinion. So much so that Sherman feared Grant would abandon the effort to capture Vicksburg.