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Q: Northern support for slavery was most likely based on?
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What was Roman slavery was based on?

Roman slavery was not based on race.

Was slavery based on race at Greek?

No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.No. Roman slavery was based upon birth, not race. Slavery was a class. The ancients, Roman and others, did not discriminate on the basis of skin color or race.

Was there slavery in Zimbabwe?

No, slavery was mostly based in West, North, Central and East Africa. There is no history of slavery in Southern African countries like Zimbabwe.

Why did the second party system develop?

becuause there was a fight, based on slavery, if some of the states would allow slavery or not

Why did the South believe abolitionism threatened their way of life?

Beyond the moral implications, slavery was a threat to northern jobs. While the work of abolitionists was for human rights, many northerners believed slavery took away jobs from white workers and threatened the political system by giving slave states more power than they deserved based on the number of enslaved people they had.

Related questions

Northern support for slavery was based on?

Economic interests, as the Southern economy heavily relied on slave labor for agriculture. There were also racial biases and prejudices that influenced attitudes towards slavery in the North. Additionally, political considerations, such as the desire to maintain the unity of the country, played a role in Northern support for slavery.

Why did tension increase between the northern and southern states?

Because the southern states were economies based on slavery and many in the northern states felt that slavery was wrong.

Why did the Union think slavery was bad?

Most of the Northern population believed that on moral and religious grounds, slavery was an evil institution. The Northern economy was not based on slavery, although the cotton from the South was produced by the labor of slaves.

What was Roman slavery was based on?

Roman slavery was not based on race.

What was Chesapeake slavery based on?

Chesapeake slavery was based on Tobacco.

Why did southern slave owners fear nothern attitudes toward slavery?

Southern slave owners feared that Northern attitudes toward slavery, which were increasingly abolitionist, would threaten their economic and social system based on slave labor. They worried that Northern efforts to limit the expansion of slavery into new territories would eventually lead to its abolition in the South. This fear stemmed from the understanding that Northern abolitionist sentiment posed a direct challenge to the institution of slavery that was foundational to the Southern way of life.

In the northern colonies slavery was?

No, only in the south colonies. The north colonies were against slavery. There were few in the north colonies.

Who was most likely to support the idea that society should be based on cooperation instead of competition?

Jeremy Bentham

Deserts do not support much life. Based on this map areas is most likely to be desert?

western Australia

What was the Northern economy was based on?

northern economy was based on manufacturing

What ended slavery in the north?

Northern slavery began to end during the American Revolutionary War. British generals liberated slaves everywhere they fought, provided the slaves would agree to fight with them. This so diminished the slaves in the North, that many northern colonies enacted legislation, offering freedom if slaves fought on the colonists' side. A generation following the Revolutionary War, northern slavery ended for the most part based on fears of a rising black population, and economic reality.

Will your child support and alimony amounts increase if you remarry in the state of Mississippi?

That is not likely since child support is based on the parents' income only. Your child support amount was calculated according to the Georgia child support guidelines. You can check those guidelines to see if a remarriage will result in any changes.That is not likely since child support is based on the parents' income only. Your child support amount was calculated according to the Georgia child support guidelines. You can check those guidelines to see if a remarriage will result in any changes.That is not likely since child support is based on the parents' income only. Your child support amount was calculated according to the Georgia child support guidelines. You can check those guidelines to see if a remarriage will result in any changes.That is not likely since child support is based on the parents' income only. Your child support amount was calculated according to the Georgia child support guidelines. You can check those guidelines to see if a remarriage will result in any changes.