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Pakistan and Bangladesh were formed.

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Q: New countries was formed after India was partitioned in 1947?
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A new country that was born by a partition from India?

it was PAKISTAN THAT WAS PARTITIONED from India in 1947.

This nation was partitioned just prior to gaining its independence in 1947?


What country was partitioned off of India and became its own country in 1947?


Why was the Indian subcontinent partitioned in 1947?

India won its independence in 15th August 1947 , but sadly lost its unity.The Indian subcontinent was divided/partitioned into two different countries- India and Pakistan.West Pakistan consisted Sindh and East Pakistan (which later becomes Bangladesh) which consisted of east Bengal, the rest was India. Consider a map of south Asia to understand the scenario better.

What countries or territories were created when India gained independence from the British in 1948?

When India gained independence from the British in 1947, the country was partitioned into two separate nations: India and Pakistan. Pakistan further split into two separate regions, East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and West Pakistan (now Pakistan).

In 1947 was divided into the countries of India and Pakistan.?


When did Britain partition India into India and Pakistan?

it was on midnight of 15th august,1947. however both countries consider their independence on different day. For Pakistan, it's 14th august and for India it's 15 th august

The independence movement in British India resulted in a partition (breaking apart) of the country. In August 1947 two independent countries were formed one of which was?


The independence movement in British India resulted in a partition breaking apart of the country In August 1947 two independent countries were formed one of which was?


What nation once controlled by Great Britain was partitioned into two nations based upon religion?

It was India, which when granted independence from the British Empire in 1947 was partitioned into India (mostly Hindu) and Pakistan (mostly Muslim). The isolated part of Pakistan in the east of India (East Pakistan) later became the free nation of Bangladesh.

How was India and Pakistan separated?

The Partition of India occured in 1947 when British India was patitioned into what came to be the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and the Republic of India. The Indian Independence Act 1947 resulted in the dissolution of the Britisl Indian Empire and the end of the British Raj.

What countries got independence in 1947?

India and Pakistan both became independent in 1947.