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The rivers which formed the frontier of the Roman Empire in Europe were the Rhine and the Danube.

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Q: Near what rivers did the Romans build other protective walls?
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What did the Romans build for Nero?

Nero built a palace over the area that he burnt down. Later other emperors built over it after Nero died.

How did Roman feel about people who followed religions other than the rome religion?

The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.

Was Hadrian's Wall ever destroyed?

It was never destroyed when the Romans were still in full occupation of Britannia but that's not to say that when the Romans left, they didn't have a go at destroying it. However it is known that during the centuries, stone has been taken from the wall and used to build other structures such as houses, bridges and other walls

Did Romans invent teeth?

No. People other than the Romans had teeth.

When the Romans built aqueducts on top of each other why did they have the arches on the extra aqueducts?

The Romans did not build aqueducts on top of each other. When the aqueducts had to cross valleys the water conduit was put on top of bridgeworks. When the bridgework needed to be high, the Romans achieved this height by building two or three rows or arches on top of each other. This was done to reach the height and maintain the structural solidity the arched offered. There was only one water conduit at the top. The Romans also tried to keep the gradient of aqueducts slight to avoid the water gathering too much speed.

Related questions

What did the Romans build that set them apart from other empires?

Through the use of the arch the Romans built bridges which were much longer than ever before and could cross much wider rivers and valleys. The Romans are also famous for their aqueducts, their stone-paved roads and their bathhouses.

Romans use their engineering skills to build what?

The ancient Romans used their engineering skills to build aqueducts, bridges, roads, domed structures, the hypocaust heating system and any other building projects they undertook.

Do they ever build bridges over imaginary rivers?

No, bridges are physical structures that are built to span over actual bodies of water or other obstacles. Imaginary rivers do not require the construction of physical bridges.

What did the Romans build for Nero?

Nero built a palace over the area that he burnt down. Later other emperors built over it after Nero died.

What method has been used to reduce the effects in the Bangladesh floods?

they build rocks to block the rivers and people from other countries send food and water

Where was concrete invented?

The Romans invented concrete and because they did they were able to build things like the colosseum. Add arches and domes to their buildings along with the concrete and they were able to create many buildings that are still around.

How did Roman feel about people who followed religions other than the rome religion?

The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.The Romans were tolerant of other beliefs as long as they were not decadent or treasonous.

Can rivers drain into other rivers?


How did the Romans know in what direction to go when they built a straight road from one town to another?

Ancient Romans met up with people from other towns and sent scouts to find nearby villages. This is how they knew where to build roads that would lead to these locations.

How did the Romans feel about the people who followed other religions?

The Romans tolerated other religions as long as they were not what the Romans considered decadent or treasonous.

Rivers get in the way but how?

the river might erode the land around it causing the peoples houses to fall in and also the people have to build a bridge across to cross it and get to the other side

Where do rivers empty to?

Usually other bodies of water - other rivers, seas, oceans, lakes etc.