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Nazi Germany


Japan which was not fascist but agreed with Hitler's idea of fascism

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Italy and Germany

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Q: Names of the Fascist countries in World War 2?
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Which countries were fascist in World War 2?

Germany, Italy and Spain

What countries were with the fascist government during world war 2?

Germany,your mom

Explain fascism what countries were fascist before the outbreak of WW2?

Before WW2 there was only one Communist country - the Soviet Union. The Fascist countries included: Italy Germany, Spain. Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland were crypto-Fascist.

Which countries had different names after World War 1?

A lot.

What countries were under facsim during World War 2?

Italy and Germany were the leading fascist Axis Powers during World War II. Japan was another Axis leader, but they weren't really fascist. They were more of a militaristic and authoritarian country during this time period.

What two nations used fascism in world war 1 and world war 2?

Both the Germans and the Italians were Fascists during ww2, but I am not aware of any countries being Fascist during ww1. Japan was very close to being Fascist too.

What is a facist country?

A fascist country puts emphasis on having a strong leader, military and sense of nationalism. There are currently no countries that openly claim to be fascist due to the negative connotations for the term after World War 2.

Tell you the names of the countries who had different names before world war 1 and now they have different names?

yes they were loser war 1 and loser war 2

Why did the rise of fascist regimes in countries like Italy and Germany come in the early 20th century?

economic and emotional burdens following World War I.

What is Czechoslovakia in World War 2?

Taken early on in the war by the fascist Nazis.

How did the rise of fascism affect world events following world war 1?

The rise of Fascism after World War I had serious effects on world events. Several countries, such as Spain, Italy and Germany had Fascist dictators at the head of their governments. These changes eventually started World War II.

Who was the first fascist leader in history?

Although one thinks of Fascism in relation to World War II, Fascism has also occurred in other countries. Lawrence Dennis, Elizabeth Diling, and Gerald Winrod are historical fascist figures.