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They were called the Kamikaze, which means 'divine wind' (a reference to storms that histrically prevented the invasion of Japan).

Kamikaze pilots flew small planes, with explosives in the nose cone, into Allied ships, sinking or damaging them. It was a last desperate use of inferior planes and pilots with little training, after the wartime losses of carriers, planes, pilots, and weaponry. There was a suicide boat equivalent, the Shin'yō,which saw use during the recapture of the Philippines by US forces in 1944.

Kamikaze is both singular and plural. The operators of the similar suicide submarines were known as Kaiten. Literally Kamikaze means Divine Wind, and Kaiten is untranslatable but roughly Heaven-shaker. Neither term originally meant suicide.

The Japanese also managed a virtual suicidal Task Force: a go-for-broke mission involving a battleship, several destroyers, and a light cruiser. There were some reluctant survivors, late in the second naval battle of Okinawa. One was later an author, Captain Tameichi Hara of the cruiser Yahagi.

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14y ago

Japanese suicide planes were called Kamikazes. Kamikaze means divine wind in Japanese after the strong storm that saved Japan from a massive invasion from Mongolia in the 1200s. These planes were loaded with bombs and fuel to do the nmost damages.

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15y ago

They were called "Kamikaze," which translates to "Divine wind"

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15y ago

there wasnt a specific plane, it was any kind of plane from a6m zeros or Oscars. they loaded them up with explosives and headed out

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Kamikaze Pilots.

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It is a Japanese word to begin with. Written 神風 it refers to suicide attacks performed by Japanese pilots to destroy warships of the Allies in WW2.

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Kamikaze is the term for Japanese suicide bombers in WWII

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