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Go to the National Archives. They have many many pictures of the people who worked in mills.

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Q: My Grandmother worked for the Dan River mills in Danville VA in spining room 8 does anyone have any photos or history of the early years at the mill she retired in 1944?
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What happens if Jupiter stopes spining?

there is gas in Jupiter

What tools did the ancient Greeks use?

Abacus: For both the laborer and the entrepreneur the abacus allowed for larger and more accurate transactions of goods and money. The impact the abacus had on the Greek economy was that now the government could more easily keep track of tax money and debts. In modern times we no longer use the abacus as way to making calculations. Today we use calculators which are similar to an abacus because they are used to make quick calculations instead of having to figure it out in your head.Spindle: The spindal made it very easy to turn raw wool into string, which in turn allowed for quicker manufacturing of clothing. Because of the easy use of the spindal not as many workerss were need to turn out a certain amount of wool. This also meant that they could make a lot more wool. Of course, this meant more money was flowing which can only make an economy stonger. Today the spindal has also been fazed out by a nother invention that does the same work just faster. Today machines are responsible for spining wool, people no longer take part.Chariot: The chariot was the greek's version of the car. It allowed an entrepreneur to travel quickly to a meeting or to any other event. Chariots were often expensive making it hard for the common laborer to afford one. For the economy of Greece, the chariot got money flowing as a form of entertainment and travel. The chariot modern day predisesor, the car, in another form of intertainment and transportation, it just gets the job done faster then the chariot could ever have.Wax Scratcher: The wax scratcher was the greek's equivilent to a pen. Students in classes would use this tool to write in wax. This tool did not affect the economy very much directly. The were only used in schools making there sales not very high. But the wax scratcher did help educate the young boys on many things including the economy. In todays society we no longer have use for the wax scratcher, and more and more we are becoming less dependent on writing tools ingenral with the advances we are making in computers.Oil Lamp: The oil lamp would have been very important in Greek society. It would allow work to get done in the evening and at night. Insteed of going to bed the entrepeneur could stay up and do work by lamp light. The oil lamp would make it so that the day didn't end when the sun went down. Now days we no longer use oil as a source of light because of our discovery of electrisity. Oil lamps are still used, but only for show, and not by the genral public.

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The answer depends on what you mean by "spining".If you meant spinning, then it depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.The answer depends on what you mean by "spining".If you meant spinning, then it depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.The answer depends on what you mean by "spining".If you meant spinning, then it depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.The answer depends on what you mean by "spining".If you meant spinning, then it depends on the shape of the spinner and the numbers on it.

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Rotating, destroying, spining

What happens if Jupiter stopes spining?

there is gas in Jupiter

What dancing is on shake it up?

Rock dancing [jumping,spining]

Will Earth stop spining?

Probably not. It maintains a constant gravitational spin.

What material you need to make a tornado?

different temp air mixing and spining

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Use loop to tie them up

How do hydroelectricity create energy?

Falling water spins a dynamo which turns the spining into electrictiy.

How do you get a spining top on moshi monsters?

It's actually a Turbo Top, and the code is bigbadbill31.