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Q: Much of the art produced and purchased in ancient rome was intended to?
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How much money did ancient Rome how much money did ancient Rome spend on food?

about 5million dollars

Why were the women of ancient Greece always much younger than they looked?

They lived a hard life. They were married off at 13, and started bearing children, having many to bear and raise. They had to run the household, work on the farm or in a business, and supervise slaves in the household. It was a hard life so they aged physically quickly.

What culture defined the ancient Romans but was not Roman?

To a large degree, the ancient Romans borrowed much of Hellenistic culture from the ancient Greeks.

What did ancient greek slaves eat?

not much

Who did the shopping in roman times?

It all depends on what was intended to be purchased. The grocery shopping was done by the slaves. The cook and his assistants would spread out to the various fora to make the family's food purchases. If it was a household prchase, or gift, either the husband or wife would go out. The Roman shopping was very much like today's shopping in terms of who did what.

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Yoville was not purchased but created. So technically it would have been free.

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That depends on how much you have purchased.

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Kangaroos cannot be purchased.