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After the Missouri Compromise of 1820, it was more-or-less balanced - anywhere North of that parallel would be free soil, and anywhere South was open to slavery.

After the Compromise of 1850, it became more difficult to create new slave-states, and Congress had to try to appease the South. This did not work in the end, and war was inevitable.

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Q: Most of the territories would come into the union as free or slave states?
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Which type of state would be in the majority in the territories that would presumably become states?

Slave states.

Why did the north oppose the war with Mexico?

the whigs did not want conquered territory to become slave states

Why did some of the slave states remain in the union?

Most slave states left the union. The "border" states that practiced slavery, but stayed in the union, probably realized it would be too difficult to fight off the North.

What event brought about the Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was not 1850 but 1820. It settled the issue of slavery in the new territories acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase. The Compromise of 1850 was also to do with slavery/freedom in new territories, this time the ones acquired from Mexico.

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The dispute over if the states would enter the Union as free states or slave states.

Who proposed the Kansas - Nebraska act of 1854?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was proposed by Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois, in order to create the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and to ensure that future settlers in those territories would have the authority to determine whether slavery would be permitted with these territories.

Why was Lincoln seen as an enemy to the south?

Because he would not allow any of the new territories to become slave-states.

Why did Northerners chose to not support the war with Mexico?

They were afraid that all acquired territories would become slave states.

Who was apart of Missouri compromise?

maine and missouri missouri would enter the union as a slave state maine would enter the union as a free state kept the balance between free and slave states equal

Who said as much as you value a union of all states you would not admit the Southern states into the Union unless they agreed to the discontinuance of this disgraceful slave trade?

George Mason

What did Lincoln want to preserve?

Lincoln wanted to preserve the union to protect and defend.

How many states fought with the Union in the Civil War?

There were 23 states that fought on the side of the Union during the Civil War.