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Q: Most delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 held a cynical view of human nature?
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What constitutional act governs scope and nature of military actions?

posse comitatus act of 1878

What kind of character is Cassius from julius caesar?

He has a lean and hungry look and thinks too much. He is dangerous. He is jealous of Caesar, a sly manipulator of Brutus, a political realist and a competent soldier.

How did the Kadets criticize the tsar's rules?

The Kadets criticized the Tsar's rules as being autocratic in nature and un restrained by any sort of written constitution. In short, they criticized the Tsar acting as a king. The Kadets were a political party known as the Constitutional Democrats. The name is taken from the first letters of Constitutional Democrats.

How were the American state constitutions different from those of Great Britain?

Great Britain has what is considered to be an unwritten constitution. Certain understandings exist, about the nature of British government, but they are not in the form of any written document. Britain has a much longer history than the US, and in the middle ages, nations did not have constitutions, they just had rulers who made up their own rules and enforced them by force of arms. In Britain this gradually evolved into a democratic form of government, without ever having a constitutional convention, such as the American colonies had, following the Revolutionary War.

Why was the Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution?

In 1787, critics attacked the proposed Constitution of the United States because they felt that it did not protect the rights of the people. The Anti-Federalists felt that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention did not provide adequate safeguards to protect the citizens from government interference in their everyday lives. The Federalists, in order to get the Constitution ratified, agreed to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution when the new congress met. The First Congress proposed 12 amendments for the Constitution. Ten were accepted by the states and became known as the Bill of Rights.Once the delegates at the Constitutional Convention agreed on the need to compose a Constitution, problems began to arise. Northern and Southern states disagreed about the nature and presence of slavery. Larger states with more population and smaller states with smaller populations disagreed about the nature of representation. The largest issue which caused the greatest amount of inertia concerned about the role of federal government in the life of its citizens. Federalists wanted a strong national government so that a sense of law and order and basic functionality can be present in the new nation. Arising out of the terrible reality of Shays' Rebellion as well as the high level of futility featured within the first Constitution called the Articles of Confederation, the Federalists, such as John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, were fairly pronounced on the issue of a strong federal governmental body. At the same time, the antifederalists, consisting of individuals like Patrick Henry and George Mason, felt that emboldening the federal government without some measure of individual freedom to act as a check against the authority would be a repeat of the tyranny featured with King George of Britain. The Bill of Rights was the compromise that pleased both sides. Federalists were happy because the federal government would retain its power to govern the nation effectively and properly. The Antifederalists were happy because the Bill of Rights became the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, and demanded that while federal government possessed power, it did not come at the cost of individual rights.

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What was the most difficult task facing the delegates of the First Continental Congress?

The fact that the delegates from different regions were unfamiliar with one another.

How were the problems of the slave trade and runaway slaves solved at the constitutional convection?

The issues of the slave trade and runaway slaves were addressed at the Constitutional Convention through various compromises. The compromise reached allowed the slave trade to continue for 20 years before being prohibited, and established rules for the return of runaway slaves to their owners. These compromises reflected the contentious nature of slavery among the delegates and aimed to balance the interests of states with different views on the institution.

What was the most important task facing the delegates to the consttutional convention?

The most important challenge that the Constitutional Convention faced was deciding how strong the Central/National government should be and how the states would be represented in the new government.

What is the root of cynical?

The root of the word "cynical" comes from the ancient Greek word "kynikos," which pertained to the belief system of the Cynics, a school of ancient Greek philosophers who emphasized self-sufficiency and living in accordance with nature.

What is the nature and convention in traditional grammar?

Nature in traditional grammar refers to the inherent characteristics and rules governing the structure and meaning of language. Convention in traditional grammar refers to the agreed upon rules and standards established by a community of language users for effective communication. Together, nature and convention in traditional grammar dictate how language is used and understood within a particular linguistic community.

What constitutional act governs scope and nature of military actions?

posse comitatus act of 1878

what Constitutional Act governs the scope and nature of military action?

posse comitatus act of 1878

What is the definition of cynical?

Having the qualities of a surly dog; snarling; captious; currish., Pertaining to the Dog Star; as, the cynic, or Sothic, year; cynic cycle., Belonging to the sect of philosophers called cynics; having the qualities of a cynic; pertaining to, or resembling, the doctrines of the cynics., Given to sneering at rectitude and the conduct of life by moral principles; disbelieving in the reality of any human purposes which are not suggested or directed by self-interest or self-indulgence; as, a cynical man who scoffs at pretensions of integrity; characterized by such opinions; as, cynical views of human nature.

Who says What drawn and talk of peace you hate the word?

This quote is by William Shakespeare in his play Othello. It illustrates the character Iago's cynical and manipulative nature as he expresses his disdain for the concept of peace.

Can a idealist be analytical in nature?

Yes, unequivocally. Being analytical does not mean you are cynical or jaded, it means you reflect on the facts, on reality. An idealist can see the facts as they are, and yet have hope that things can always improve and become better.

Is Alice in Wonderland cynical?

Some interpretations of "Alice in Wonderland" suggest that it contains cynical themes due to its satirical commentary on society, authority, and absurdity. However, others view it as a whimsical and fantastical tale that explores imagination and the nature of reality. Ultimately, whether the story is seen as cynical or not may depend on the reader's perspective.

Why do you think jaques is so gloomy?

Jaques' gloomy demeanor can be attributed to his cynical views on life and society. He tends to see the world in a negative light and often dwells on the darker aspects of human nature. Additionally, his introspective nature and tendency to isolate himself from others may contribute to his gloominess.