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No, men 18 and over were allowed to vote. Women in Athens were kept at home in virtual purdah, allowed out only for the occasional women's religious festival.

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Q: Men and women allowed to vote in the original constitution?
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Are Women in the Original Constitution?

yes. They didn't have the right to vote.

What state constitution of 1776 allowed women to vote?

New Jersey

When were women in Costa Rica allowed to vote?

The new constitution of Costa Rica passed in 1949 giving women and blacks the right to vote.

When were women allowed to vote in a national election?

Ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution in August, 1920 gave women the right to vote.

Did women have the right to vote under the original US Constitution?

No, it wasn't until the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920 that women were granted suffrage.

In the original Constitution did women have the right to vote?

No. The Constitution only uses the gender neutral "people" or "person" and never specifically mentions either sex, male or female. The Constitution was thus phrased to apply equally to both women and men.Contrary to common opinion, women were not denied the right to vote by the original Constitution--the individual states were left to determine their own requirements for voting. It was at the state level that women were unconstitutionally denied their right to vote. The states lost the power to exclude citizens from voting on the basis of sex with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

Were Spartan women able to vote?

Yes they were allowed to vote the atheain women were not allowed to vote.

What amendment gives citizens the right to vote no matter their race or color?

The15th amendment of the United State's Constitution allowed men of any race to vote. The 19th amendment then allowed women to vote.

What year were American women officially denied the vote?

American women were not allowed to vote according to the US Constitution in 1787. Although it was not said expressly that women could not vote, only men are listed as potential voters.

What tactic did progressive women use to win the right to vote?

Progressive women held extensive campaigns throughout the country lobbying to get the vote. They also used the constitution's goal of equality to argue that women should be allowed to vote.

were women allowed to vote in the roman empire?

No women were allowed to "vote" in the Roman Empire

Were the women of Plymouth allowed to vote?

no they were not allowed to vote - chey