Zipperhead is a derogatory term used in reference to people of Asian descent. It was coined during the Korean War.
Variant of the word kitty-corner
Tell the answer of the orgin of the word responsibility and the answer will come
Also spelt "savanna", the word hails from the 1550's Spanish sabana, earlier zavana from Taino (Arawakan) zabana.
meaning of anambra
I think the word you're looking for is "decapitation", from the Latin "capo", meaning head. Another term is "guillotine", from the name of the machine used for executions during the French Revolution's Reign of Terror. I presume you are not looking for the obvious "beheading".
From an Anglo/Norman word, 'Buquet' with a meaning of pitcher or bulging vessel
It iis derived from the Aztec word arizuma meaning "silver bearing".
it comes into English from an Old Norse word 'myrkr' meaning darkness
It comes from the German word 'zin' meaning tin
if you mean a rooster, then the translation is tarnegol.
It means the stars. The night sky in general.
The word "parley" comes from the Middle French word "parler," meaning "to speak."
Episcopo is Italian in origin, from the Latin word "episcopus" meaning "bishop".
The word parachute comes from the French word para (such as in parasol) and chute (meaning fall). See the related link for more information.