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Q: Many historians believe the leading motive for the War of 1812 was fueled by the desire for freedom from religious persecution?
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Many historians believe the leading motive for the War of 1812 was fueled by the desire for freedom from religious persecution.?


Did pilgrims believe in Jesus Christ?

They did. In fact they came to America to escape religious persecution and the freedom to worship in their own way.

Why did the puritins come to America?

To escape persecution and have religious freedom.

What fueled the desire for freedom from religious persecution?

rude gestures

What is an example of a sentence with the word religious freedom?

"Religious freedom ensures that individuals have the right to practice their faith without fear of persecution or discrimination."

Why did middle colony settlers come to Pennsylvania was it for money or religion?

Settlers came to seek religious freedom, and freedom from religious persecution.

Why did they choose Pennsylvania?

William Penn, the founder, promised religious tolerance and freedom from religious persecution.

Who had the most religious freedom?

I believe the most religious freedom was christians and catholics

Who left England for the Pennsylvania in the New World in search of religious freedom?

Englishman William Penn found Pennsylvania to provide a place for freedom from religious persecution.

Religious freedom fleeing persecution profit land are reasons for what?

Immigrants came to America

What did Chinese people want freedom from during the 13th and 14th century?

religious persecution

What was on factor that drew people to settle in Pennsylvania?

William Penn, the founder, promised religious tolerance and freedom from religious persecution.