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Q: Many black slaves took what surname when they served in the Continental Army?
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Who did black slaves support during the revolutionary war?

There were 20,000 Black slaves that served the British for their causes and 5,000 black slaves served the Continental Army.

Black slaves who served as overseers of other slaves were known as what?

Black slaves who served as overseers of other slaves were known as "black overseers" or "slave drivers."

How did black slaves obtain the surname mccoy?

From the Scottish plantation (and slave) owners.

Did blacks and whites serve together in the first army?

If referring to the revolutionary army, the answer is yes. Both freemen and slaves served. Slaves were offered the opportunity to earn their freedom if they served for one year. Many free black men sided with the rebels against England.

Many black slaves took the name what?

Former slaves were often free to choose a surname. Some chose the names of their former owners or plantations. Many others choose names of American heroes including Washington and Lincoln. Brown and Black were also common choices.

If there family is white how can they be black?

A possible answer is: - their Surname is Black

Where did black people with the last name Allen come from?

Most black people with English names like Allen are descendants of slaves who were given that name by theire masters in America, or took it at some point after emancipation.took that surname. It is possible, although less likely, that someone with that surname acquired it by other means in one of the former British colonies in Africa.

What were the slaves that looked white but were part black called?

Slaves that were half black and half white were called Mulatto.

Were there black slaves in France?

Yes, there were black slaves in France, particularly during the period of colonial expansion and the transatlantic slave trade. Slavery was legal in French colonies, such as in the Caribbean, where many black slaves were brought to work on plantations. Additionally, there were some instances of black slaves in mainland France as well.

In 1870 former black male slaves obtained the right to vote but what about blacks who were not slaves prior to that year?

in 1870 black African American slaves was able to vote

Did black people work to construct the continental railroad?

Yes black men did work on building the continental railroad. John Henry was a legend.

Were all black people slaves?

No, not all black people were slaves. While millions of black people were enslaved throughout history, there were also free black individuals and communities that existed. It's important to recognize the diversity of experiences within the black community.