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Q: Maliciously or playfully annoying
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Related questions

What does mishievous means?

Playfully annoying. Or possibly, causing or intending to cause harm

Does pouting turn men on?

If you are making it obvious that you're playfully pouting, then yes. Otherwise, pouting is just found to be needy and annoying.

Is teasing the same as taking the mick?

teasing is like if you harass someone playfully and/or maliciously. taking the mick is when you like mock something like eg: if someone says something and someone else starts laughing horribly about it.

What is a sentence with playfully?

They ran playfully down to the store. She playfully teased him until he blushed.

How would the word playfully be used in a sentence?

she jumped about playfully.

How do you use playfully in a sentence?

I playfully ran with my dog at the park.

What rhymes with playfully?

Gayfully rhymes with playfully. so dose beautyfuly

What is adverb in cleo scampered playfully onto your lap?

Playfully is the adverb.

How do you use the word playfully in a sentence?

The father playfully acted like a horse when his son was on his back.

When a guy playfully pokes a girl what does he expect or want her to do back?

playfully poke him back.. he is flirting with her

What is an adverb for romped?


What is the connotation of maliciously?

The connotation is with evil intent.