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Q: Loyalists were least numerous where?
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Where were loyalists the least numerous during the revolutionary war?

New England and Virginia

The British especially relied on the numerous loyalists to aid them in fighting the patriots?

in the Carolinas. pg 158

What was the position of the loyalists after the Declaration of Independence?

In many places it was dangerous to be a Loyalists- at least publicly. Loyal Patriots sometimes harassed Loyalists, attacking their farms and property and even driving them out of their town. Families were sometimes bitterly divided.

Where were the least number of loyalists located in the colonies?

New England and Virginia

What was the position of loyalists after the declarations of Independence?

In many places it was dangerous to be a Loyalists- at least publicly. Loyal Patriots sometimes harassed Loyalists, attacking their farms and property and even driving them out of their town. Families were sometimes bitterly divided.

What happened to the loyalist during the war?

There are loyalists in almost every war. Without specifying a war, this question is unanswerable. In some wars, like the American Revolution, loyalists experienced minimal recriminations and many decided to become citizens of the new republic. There were some instances where Loyalist business owners were attacked by revolting citizens, and subjected to such abuse as "Tarring-and-Feathering." In France, numerous loyalists were hunted down and executed during the French Revolution.

Which has the least ability to provide the least aeration?

I have searched numerous sites to find this answer and it is not there.

Supported great Britain after the sining of the Declaration of Independence?

Those who remained loyal to Britain were known as loyalists, or United Empire Loyalists.

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What did patriots and loyalists favor?

Loyalists remained loyal (hence their name) to the Crown.