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Q: Lord selkirk was given a land grant known as assiniboia?
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By the 9th century the grant of land made to a vassal has became known as a?

By the 9th century, the grant of land made to a vassal became known as a fief. This fief was typically given in exchange for the vassal's loyalty and military service to the lord. The vassal would then manage and develop the land, while owing certain obligations to the lord.

What were the orders given to General Grant after Vicksburg fell?

For the most part, the general in chief Henry Halleck had no field army orders for General Grant. He did however, make it known that he planned to have Vicksburg and Port Hudson be guarded by Black troops while his western armies could be used in the field. He urged Grant to recruit Black soldiers as best as he could to garrison them in the two previously mentioned strongholds.

Why did Ulysses S. Grant change his name from Ulysses S. Grant?

His original name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. He didn't want to or mean to change it. When he went to a military academy, they signed him up as that. Since then, he was known as Ulysses S. Grant.

How did general Grant become a famous general?

General Ulysses S. Grant was successful in his campaigns in the western part of the Union's war efforts in Tennessee. Upon Lincoln's appointment of Grant to Lieutenant General, his fame became well known. As the military head of all Union forces, he was responsible for the defeat of the Confederacy. His successes were well known and his war victories helped Grant to be elected US President.

What is Ulysses S. Grant best known for?

Best known for leading the Union (North) in the Civil War. He was a brave military general.

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What are facts about Assiniboia?

historical district in Canadaalso known as Red River Colonymodern times is part of Saskatchewantourism is the main industry

In feudal system The person who made a grant of land to another person?

A lord or monarch would typically make a grant of land to another person in the feudal system. This grant, known as a fief, would be given in exchange for military service or other obligations.

What is a Grant Paulson?

A Grant Paulson is a magical Beekeeper who is also known as Jasper.

Who gave William Penn the land grant and why?

William Penn was given the land grant, known as a charter, by the king because King Charles II owed the Penn family a debt. The debt was paid off when the king agreed to the deal, in 1681.

By the 9th century the grant of land made to a vassal has became known as a?

By the 9th century, the grant of land made to a vassal became known as a fief. This fief was typically given in exchange for the vassal's loyalty and military service to the lord. The vassal would then manage and develop the land, while owing certain obligations to the lord.

What are some funny stories about Ulysses S. Grant?

Ulysses S. Grant was known for his heavy consumption of whiskey. While for for Lincoln in the Union's Army during the American Civil War, Grant was given way more alcohol than he should have by Lincoln - leading to him often getting buzzed or drunk around his troops.

What president was known as the Hero of Appomattox?

U. S. Grant.

By the 9th century the grant of lans made to a vassal become known as a?

The grant of lands was called a fief. The "lord" of the land became known as a "landlord".

Who was Union general known as ''the butcher''?

General Grant

Was president Grant a free mason?

There is no known record of President Ulysses Grant having been a Freemason.

A federal grant program providing money to spend on a broad general policy area is known as what?

block grant

Why did Lincoln relieve grant of his duties?

Lincoln did not relieve Grant of his duties, however, he did have to reprimand him after Grant issued what is known as Order No. 1, which was anti-Semitic. Grant would go on to serve as the 18th U.S. President.