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  1. Confederation 2. Daniel Shay 3. Convention
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Q: List the following events in the correct chronological order. Daniel Shays led farmers in a tax rebellion. The Constitutional Convention was called. The Articles of Confederation were adopted.?
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Which of the following men was not present at the Constitutional Convention out of Thomas Jefferson Gouverneur Morris Roger Sherman and James Madison?

Thomas Jefferson

The plan presented at the constitutional convention of 1787 that represented the interests of the larger states?

The Virginia Plan is the plan presented by the larger states at the constitutional convention of 1787. It recommended a consolidated national government. Theories from the following philosophers were used in this plan: John Locke, Montesquieu, and Edward Coke.

Name two conferences held in the years following the revolutionary war which might be said to be steps leading to the constitutional convention?

federal and self-governing

What was the consitutional convention?

The Constitutional ConventionThe Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 and drafted the United States Constitution. The convention was called because the federal government established by the Articles of Confederation was considered to be too weak to effectively deal with the states' issues. Officially, the purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Many feel that this was a drastic understatement, and that the real goal of many of its key proponents was to replace the Articles of Confederation and create a strong federal government.The result of the convention was the U.S. Constitution, which was signed by 38 delegates on the final day of the convention, and ratified by most of the states during the following year.The key issues regarded Congressional representation and slavery. The "Great Compromise" was a bicameral legislature -- two houses of Congress where the states would have equal representation in the Senate, but proportional representation in the House of Representatives. Regarding slavery, Congress did not have the power to abolish slavery but would get the power to end the slave trade beginning in 1808. The three-fifths compromise meant that 3 of every 5 slaves would be counted when apportioning a state's representation in the House of Representatives.George Washington was unanimously elected president of the convention. Benjamin Franklin was considered the sage of the convention, the elder statesman who helped calm tempers and bring about the compromises.In the summer of 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, some of the most important decisions in the history of the United States were made. During this time, the Philadelphia (or Constitutional) Convention was held; a secret meeting that hosted 55 delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies (excluding Rhode Island) where they discussed and eventually derived the Constitution in order to replace the preceding Articles of Confederation because of their weakness of federal power. The Pennsylvania State House, currently known as Independence Hall, had become the center of debate for nearly four months.In the summer of 1787, the Constitutional Convention hosted a committee of delegates from the 13 colonies appointed to write the constitution. Led by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, this secret meeting took place in the Pennsylvania State House, currently known as Independence Hall. Delegates from all thirteen colonies were invited to this meeting to discuss the Articles of Confederation and how it could be strengthened. 55 delegates showed up, none from Rhode Island. Instead of following the original idea of strengthening the Articles of Confederation, the Philadelphia Convention quickly turned into a complete abandonment of the Articles and took up the creation of the Constitution.

What is the National Constitutional Convention?

A constitutional convention is now a gathering for the purpose of writing a new constitution or revising an existing constitution. A general constitutional convention is called to create the first constitution of a political unit or to entirely replace an existing constitution. An unlimited constitutional convention is called to revise an existing constitution to the extent that it deems to be proper, whereas a limited constitutional convention is restricted to revising only the areas of the current constitution named in the convention's call, the legal mandate establishing the convention. Examples of constitutional conventions include:United States: Annapolis Convention (1786), which proposed what became the Philadelphia Convention (1787) -- Drafted the United States Constitution for ratification by the states. Article V of the constitution sets forth a mechanism whereby future constitutional conventions can be held. The constitution has been amended several times since the Philadelphia Convention, but never (as of 2011) by this method.France: The National Convention of 1792 (commonly referred to as The Convention) convened during The French Revolution on September 20 with the purpose of writing a Republican Constitution following the suspension of the French Monarchy. The monarchy was officially abolished on September 21 by The Convention.Missouri Constitutional Convention (1861-63), established Missouri's provisional government during the American Civil WarCanada: (1864), Quebec Conference, 1864, and London Conference of 1866.Australian constitutional conventions -- 1891, 1897, 1973 and 1998.Germany: ParlamentRat (Parliamentary Council) (1948) -- Drafted the Basic Law of the Federal Republic for ratification by the londonNorthern Ireland Constitutional Convention (1975--1976) -- a failed attempt to find a solution to the status of Northern Ireland.Scottish Constitutional Convention (1989) -- produced a plan for Scottish devolution.European Convention (2001) -- Drafted the Constitution for Europe for approval by the European Council and ratification by the member states.Philippine Constitutional Convention 1935 -- to draft a constitution to create the autonomous Commonwealth of the Philippines under the U.S. Act. The constitution was also used in the 3rd Republic (1946) until the passage of the 1973 constitution. Members were elected through the Philippine Constitutional Convention election, 19341971 -- to draft a revised constitution to replace the old U.S. customed 1935 Philippine constitution. Members were elected through the Philippine Constitutional Convention election, 1970. The system of government changed from Presidentitial to Parliamentary to Presidentital-Parliamentary (in 1984 amendment). The constitution lasted until the downfall of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 and Corazon Aquino appointed members to draft the 1987 Constitution through a Constitutional Commission.

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What is a consitutional convention?

The Constitutional Convention took place from May 25 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to address problems in governing the United States of America, which had been operating under the Articles of Confederation following independence from Great Britain.

Following approval at the constitutional convention the constitution was sent to  ?

The states for ratification

What meeting led to the decision to call for a constitutional convention?

The Constitutional Convention was a direct result of the Annapolis Convention of 1786. Due to lack of authority and participation, it was recommended to Congress to hold a larger convention in Philadelphia in May of the following year.

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Following the approval at the constitutional convention the constitution was sent to?

The states for ratification

Which of the following events played a prominent role in highlighting the need for the Annapolis Convention?

Shays's Rebellion

Regarding the presidency which of the following did delegates of the Constitutional Convention not agree to do?

Give absolute power to the elective branch. (ALS)

What is a Constitution Convention?

The United States Constitutional Convention[1] (also known as the Philadelphia Convention,[1] the Federal Convention,[1] or the Grand Convention at Philadelphia) took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to address problems in governing the United States of America, which had been operating under the Articles of Confederation following independence from Great Britain. Although the Convention was purportedly intended only to revise the Articles of Confederation, the intention from the outset of many of its proponents, chief among them James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, was to create a new government rather than fix the existing one. The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the convention. The result of the Convention was the United States Constitution, placing the Convention among the most significant events in the history of the United States.

What is the significanse of the date 1787?

The constitutional convention was convened and the following states voted for radification: Deleware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Which one of the following represents a correct chronological sequence of different provinces joining confederation?

Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick This sequence represents the correct chronological order in which the provinces joined the Canadian Confederation. Ontario and Quebec joined in 1867, while Nova Scotia and New Brunswick joined shortly after in the same year.

Which of the following men was not present at the Constitutional Convention out of Thomas Jefferson Gouverneur Morris Roger Sherman and James Madison?

Thomas Jefferson