Lincoln was only 11 years old when then Missouri Compromise was made. I doubt that he had any strong feelings about it. He did not regularly go the school-- he may not even have heard about it at the time.
whether or not to become a free state
Wilson ordered the democrats to vote " nay" for a version of the treaty requiring a joint resolution from the House and the senate to join the League of Nations. :)
Senator Henry Clay drafted the compromise of 1850, the compromise consisted of a series of laws (5 bills ) which attempted to resolve territorial and slavery issues
A compromise was impossible simply because for Jefferson Davis any agreement had to be on the basis of the secession of the Southern States from the Union and President Lincoln would not and could not agree any compromise that recognised secession which he considered illegal and unconstitutional. Yee Haa
Abraham Lincoln supported the Missouri compromise :p
Because the last-minute Crittenden Compromise would have allowed the possibility of new slave-states. Lincoln would not accept this.
Woodrow Wilson was unwilling to compromise with Henry Cabot Lodge, a powerful senator. Without LodgeÕs support, Wilson was unable to obtain a two-thirds majority to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations.
Effectively. They did try a last compromise, but Lincoln rejected it because it would have allowed some extension of slavery.
The British refused to compromise with American delegates.
John J. Crittenden
Lincoln was only 11 years old when then Missouri Compromise was made. I doubt that he had any strong feelings about it. He did not regularly go the school-- he may not even have heard about it at the time.
How does Lincoln take advice to resolve issues in his presidency?'
The British refused to compromise with American delegates.
Abraham Lincoln was debating Stephen Douglas who was a great orator and known for his ability to compromise. Lincoln was trying to say that sometimes you can't compromise. His words were, "A house divided against itself can not stand." The public wasn't ready to listen to Lincoln and Douglas won the debates.
he said he was not intellengent.