Religion-Puritan communities were close-knit, and because all followers of God were expected to read The Bible, they placed great emphasis on education. Political- By 1641, 55 percent of males in Massachusetts could vote-a much higher percentage than in England. Then in 1655, four royal commissioners inspecting Massachusetts were treated rudely and urged King Charles II to revoke the colony's charter.
i don't know why u ask me
English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and German settlers of the 1700s both wanted religious freedom.
It was very cold in the winter time but the summer time was humid but it depends on where you are in Massachusetts.
It was very cold in the winter time but the summer time was humid but it depends on where you are in Massachusetts.
on either the late 1600s or the early 1700s
Massachusetts was first settled by the Pilgrims in 1620.
Massachusetts didn't exist as Massachusetts in the 1600's so there was no economy.
In the 1600s
English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and German settlers of the 1700s both wanted religious freedom.
they did not have enough money
i don't know why u ask me
by flying