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XXIII. End of the World

Use the Save Point, and then walk through the door in front of you.

After the cutscene, you will see a wide area in front of you. There

are a series of platforms and treasure chests. The chests contain

great items. Most of the chests have enemies inside that you will

need to defeat. But, remember, you don't have to open the chests if

you don't want to. Below is the order of the chests, and the

monsters (if any) that you will encounter. Just so you know, the

platforms are shaped like arrows, and they point you in the right


1st chest: POWER UP Invisible

Note: The Invisible carries a big sword and is super fast. Use Guard

to deflect its blows, and attack it when you can.

2nd Chest: DEFENSE UP Invisible, Darkball

3rd Chest: MEGALIXIR no enemies

4th Chest: Omega Arts Behemoth


Congratulations, you have completed Kingdom Hearts. Sit back and

enjoy the ending, and watch all the loose plot threads come


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at the end of the game @ the end of the worlds is Kingdom Hearts. this is the place where you defeat ansem and at the very end after you defet him you a nd King Mickey will lock the door to light from darkness so the heartless don't take of the world of all worlds Kingdom Hearts. that's when. I LUV KINGDOM HEARTS 1,2,3 BIRTH BY SLEEP, 384/2 DAYS AND CHAINED MEMORIES! YEAH! at the end of the game @ the end of the worlds is Kingdom Hearts. this is the place where you defeat ansem and at the very end after you defet him you a nd King Mickey will lock the door to light from darkness so the heartless don't take of the world of all worlds Kingdom Hearts. that's when. I LUV KINGDOM HEARTS 1,2,3 BIRTH BY SLEEP, 384/2 DAYS AND CHAINED MEMORIES! YEAH!

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End of world Kingdom Hearts?

it's the last level but ask something more specific

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