

King tut famous quotes

Updated: 8/22/2023
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7y ago

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King Menes never existed; he was 'invented' as the first king of Egypt's first dynasty by the historian Manetho in the 3rd century BC. Some scholars think he might be based on an actual early king, but no one is certain which one.

Since he is supposed to have founded the city of Thebes and have invented writing, his famous quotes might be: "This looks like a good place for a city" or "We have to find something against people forgetting what I tell them".

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12y ago

Diodorus Siculus recorded an inscription on the base of one of Ramses statues as saying, "I am Osymandias, King of Kings. If anyone would know how great I am, [...] let him surpass one of my works." (Osymandias was another name for Ramses II.)

This inscription was paraphrased by Shelley, in his Sonnet, Osymandias, with the following lines:

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

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13y ago

King Tut's famous quotes are

1)"Do what you have to accomplish never give up

2)"Live and follow rules don't be like my father Akhenaton"

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10y ago

"Ask not what your Pharoah can do for you but what you can do for your Pharoah." and "I only regret that I have but one life to give for my Mummy."

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What will King tut say to the people

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