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Q: Key principles of ethnographic study
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Is ethnographic research qualitative or quantitave?

Ethnographic research is qualitative in nature in that it uses observations, interviews and narratives to study or obtain knowledge about the human experience.

What is ethnographic account?

An ethnographic account is a detailed description or study of a particular culture or society based on fieldwork and direct observation. It typically involves immersing oneself in a community to understand their behaviors, beliefs, customs, and social structures in order to provide an in-depth and holistic perspective. Ethnographic accounts are often used in anthropology and sociology to gain insights into different human groups.

When was Ethnographic Museum of Dairy created?

Ethnographic Museum of Dairy was created in 1993.

When was Ethnographic Museum - Belgrade - created?

Ethnographic Museum - Belgrade - was created in 1901.

What does ethnographic mean?

Ethnographic refers to the study and systematic recording of human cultures and societies through fieldwork, observation, and interviews. It involves understanding and documenting the customs, behaviors, and beliefs of different groups of people.

What has the author Karen O'Reilly written?

Karen O'Reilly has written: 'Key concepts in ethnography' 'Researching Social Divisions' 'Ethnographic methods' -- subject(s): Ethnology, Philosophy, Comparative method 'Ethnographic methods' -- subject(s): Comparative method, Ethnology, Philosophy

What are some synonyms for the term 'ethnographic'?

Some synonyms for the term 'ethnographic' include cultural, anthropological, and sociological.

When was Plovdiv Regional Ethnographic Museum created?

Plovdiv Regional Ethnographic Museum was created in 1917.

When was Municipal Ethnographic Museum of Ioannina created?

Municipal Ethnographic Museum of Ioannina was created in 1933.

When was Ulan-Ude Ethnographic Museum created?

Ulan-Ude Ethnographic Museum was created in 1973.

Which are the principles of biomechanics?

The principles of biomechanics involve the study of forces and their effects on living organisms. Key principles include the laws of motion, leverage, and the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. Biomechanics helps in understanding how forces impact movement, stability, and injury prevention in biological systems.

What is the study of the orgin principles and manner of operation of government called?

Political science is the study of the orginization principles and manner of operation of government.