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Justinian's most important achievement was more than likely his law code.

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Q: Justinian most important achievement was probably?
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What was justinians most important achievement?

The Justinian Code.

What was the most important accomplishment of Justinian's?

Nowadays Justinian's greatest achievement is considered the Corpus Juris Civilis, or Justinian Code (a compendium and revision of centuries or Roman law) because it has influenced the later development of civil law in Europe. However, we do not have any information about its impact at the time. In his days his reconquest of Italy, Tunisia and western Algeria, and southern Spain was probably considered his greatest achievement.

Why was Justinian's code of law important?

It was important because before the Justinian Code it was hard to enforce the Roman Laws so they made the Justinian Code the basis for the legal systems of most modern European countries. It created a unified code of laws for the empire. It collected Roman laws into one code.

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Why was Justinian Code important?

Justinian's code eventually became the basis for the legals systems of most modern European countries ! "D.M"

What was Justinian's most important contribution to the roman empire?

The Codification of Roman Law

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What was Justinian's most important contribution to the eastern roman empire?

The Codification of Roman Law

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