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Armaggedon, the Apocolypse, it has several different names, or names that have become 'the judgement' in most people's minds. What Christ tells us is we will all be judged, each according to his works.

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Q: Judgment and the end of the world is called?
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Will judgment day and end of the world happen the same time?

Different religious beliefs and interpretations vary on whether judgment day and the end of the world will occur simultaneously. In some belief systems, judgment day is seen as a precursor to the end of the world, with the judgment of individuals determining their fates in the afterlife. In others, judgment day and the end of the world are separate events. Ultimately, the timing and nature of these events are speculative and depend on one's religious beliefs.

What sounds are usually associated with Judgment Day at the end of the world?

the humming of human voices as death approaches

Who is the angel who will blows the horn twice to end the world life and return people again from death to begin the day of judgment?

if im not mistaken it would be the horn blower:D:D ;) if im not mistaken it would be the horn blower:D:D ;)

Is th world going to end today?

No it's not going to end today because according to the bible god word said nobody in the world is going to know when the end of the world is except for god.and if it was true people will be dissapering in less than a blink of an eye to go to heaven or to go to judgment

Will the world end on 22nd may 2011?

no one knows! if you believe in Christ it says that the lord only knows when the world will come to an is called judgment day. when all the Christians go to heaven and the rest will perish and suffer.. SO STOP PREDICTING PLEASE STOP SCARING EVERYONE! PEOPLE REALLY! GOD IS THE ONLY ONE THAT KNOWS! Can I hear an amen! you go user that posted the above answer!

Related questions

Will judgment day and end of the world happen the same time?

Different religious beliefs and interpretations vary on whether judgment day and the end of the world will occur simultaneously. In some belief systems, judgment day is seen as a precursor to the end of the world, with the judgment of individuals determining their fates in the afterlife. In others, judgment day and the end of the world are separate events. Ultimately, the timing and nature of these events are speculative and depend on one's religious beliefs.

Will the world end on judgment day?

No The world will not end for at least another 3-5 Billion Years.

The study of final things such as death judgment and the end of the world is called?

The theological term eschatology refers to teachings about the "last things," (from the Greek eschaton). Eschatology includes a consideration not only of the destiny of the world but of the individual (death, judgment, heaven, hell).

Should i do crimes for pleasure if the world is coming to an end?

Not if you don't want to face judgment, in this world or the next.

What sounds are associated with the judgment day at the end of the world?

the humming of human voices as death approaches

Who is the speaker in both of the poems The Creation and The Last Judgment?

In both "The Creation" and "The Last Judgment," the speaker is God. God is the one who is depicted as the creator of the world in "The Creation" and the judge at the end of time in "The Last Judgment."

What sounds are usually associated with Judgment Day at the end of the world?

the humming of human voices as death approaches

Who judges you in the afterlife?

It is our Creator Almighty God Who alone will judge all humans and jinns on theDay of Judgment.Catholic AnswerGod, Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, is the One who will judge the living and the dead at the end of the world. He also judges each individual soul the instant it is dead. The former is called the General Judgment, the later is called the Particular Judgment.

What was the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie called?

The 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie is called: Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

How are last judgment and particular judgment different?

The Last Judgment is a belief in some religions that all individuals will be judged by God at the end of the world. The Particular Judgment, on the other hand, is the immediate judgment that occurs at the moment of an individual's death, determining their final destination in the afterlife.

What is the song end of the world as you know it really called?

The song "End of the World as We Know It" is officially titled "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by the band R.E.M.

Why most people say that the judgment day or end of the world is approaching?

if people say that they have no clue what they are talking about no matter what resource they use. (unless the bible somehow states when the world will end, except it doesn't say that anywhere. It does say HOW it will end just not when.