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Q: Japanese Americans known as nissei were?
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What is Japanese American born in the us is known as?

If born in the US, Japanese Americans are American citizens. They have all the rights as every person born in America.

What is a name for a Japanese immigrant?

Japanese Americans is the correct name for Japanese Americans

Who are some Japanese Americans born in America?

Japanese Americans born in America are American citizens. The term Japanese Americans means that they are of Japanese decent but live in the US.

What is intered?

Japanese-Americans, German-Americans, and Italian-Americans.

What about Americans impressed the Japanese?

The Japanese were most impressed with the Americans because of their powerful ships and guns

What relations changed and how after the atomic bombing?

the Japanese and Americans because it happened to the Japanese and the Americans were the ones that did it .

Who received an apology and money from the federal government as a result of their internment during world war 2?

Japanese Americans living in the U.S. and Hawaii.

Why did the US government intern many Japanese Americans in relocation camps?

Americans thought Japanese Americans were helping japan during ww2

How many Japanese and Americans died in the battle of Peleliu?

Americans - 1,794 killed / Japanese - 10,695 killed .

How did Japanese Americans react to the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

They said they were not Japanese no more and that they were Americans now.

What groups comprise Asian Americans?

Japanese Americans

How did the us government policy of internment affect thousands of Japanese Americans on the west coast of the US?

The effects on the internment of Japanese-Americans was negative psychologically. Shock and fear plagued the Japanese-Americans as a result of the internment camps.