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Japan definitely won at sea; destroying 2 out of 3 Russian battleship fleets. But it should be said that the Russian battleship fleet under the command of Admiral Z. Rozhestvensky, conducted a charge into Admiral Togo's battleline in the same manner as did the British Charge of their Light Brigade in 1854 at Balaklava, during the Crimean War. At least Rozhestvensky charged, instead of turning their tails to the two fleets would later do in a later war. On land, Japan was feeling the strain, running low on both manpower and funds. On land, Russia was in it's element, and it was only time that Russia needed to gain the strength needed to win. But Revolution at home also took it's toll on the Russians, and Japan & Russia both called it quits, Russia accepting a Japanese victory.

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Q: Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War?
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The Russo-Japanese War, fought in 1905-06, in which Japan defeated Russia.

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