they do so may be a question of "how fair". But they must pay for the services, benefits and programs they provide or oversee fort the society they govern...and tax is the way they riase money to do so. In a government that basically doesn't have a visible tax, it is simply in communisim, where the governemt then basically owns everything, certainly all business, and you must work - for the wage they agree to pay you - pretty much doing what they say. Clearly, taxes needed are alreay taken out of what they agree topay you.
The Bible states, "Give to Caesar what is Caesars. Give to God what is Gods." In order to function, a government needs funding to protect the populous. Taxation is a method of achieving funding.
what are floods
Religous freedom
so they could have knowledge fro something
The Pax Romana
You may be charged or get calls fro the police.I'm pretty sure it's against the law.But you do pay taxes when yu buy groceries and they have taxes at work.W-2 forms that you fill ou.I think they take out some of your pay.
Too & fro
"fro" is not a prefix.
Fro - bish - er The o of Fro is long as in "to and fro". The i in bish is short as in "dish".
Fro, Pro, Crow, Slow
My Fro-losophy was created on 1998-10-06.
They went to and fro between the two cities, making frequent trips to visit family and friends.
The mice were scampering to and fro until the cat came into the room.
Obama is proposing a 477 billion stimulus bill to create new jobs,through public investments.Also Obama has called fro raising income taxes on the top 2 percent of earners.
Ive always pronounced it aa-fro-dite but, it is aa-fro-die-tee
Fro Rojas was born on December 30, 1979, in Miami, Florida, USA.